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Featured Listings - Glossary


Auto-Bidding � This feature will charge the lowest possible amount for a qualified click. The lowest possible amount is one penny more than was required to rank your listing higher than the listing below yours at the time of the click. This amount will never be more than your Maximum Bid amount.

Auto-Ranking � This feature will automatically place your listing in the highest possible spot on the page in a listing category in relation to other featured listings based on Maximum Bid amounts. Keep in mind that your listing�s rank can change in relation to other listings as the Maximum Bid amounts and availability of other listings in your category change.

Bid Expiration � A bid expires when you have insufficient funds in your account to keep paying for qualified clicks generated by your Featured Listing; when you reach the maximum budget you've set when creating your max bid; when your listing has received excessive number qualified clicks without a paid transaction; when your listing no longer has a photo, has negative ratings or when the star average is less than 3.5 stars.

Bid ID - This is the ID associated to each unique bid (active and inactive). Note: you can only have 1 active Bid ID per Featured Listing at any given time.

Bid to be here � This is the minimum amount you must bid in order to be in that position.

Bid to be #1 - This is the minimum amount you must bid to be in the #1 position. You can always set Your Maximum Bid higher than this amount and Auto-Bidding will only charge you one penny more than is required to rank you higher than the listing below you.

Click � These are clicks that are not considered qualified. A click is not considered qualified when a member clicks on your listing when you are unavailable; when a member clicks on your listing when viewing it through a sort option other than Featured Listings including Top Available or Top Rated; when the same member clicks on your Featured Listing more than once in a 24-hour period, you will not be charged more than once for these clicks; when a non-member clicks on your Featured Listing when you�re available to take a call but doesn�t register with valid payment information within 24 hours of clicking on your Featured Listing; when you click on your own listing; when other advisors click on your listing (unless they go on to make a paid transaction with you); when customers who have paid transactions with you within the last 30 days click on your Featured Listing; when a member enters the extension of your listing after dialing the main voice portal for Keen, 1-800-ASK-KEEN; when an employee of Keen clicks on your listing.

Click ID � We track and report all clicks on your Featured Listing � both charged and uncharged. A click is recorded when a user clicks on links in your listing title, listing details, photo, Call Now button, or listing rating on Keen. A click is also tracked when a user browses Featured Listings over the phone and listens to your recorded voice greeting. This is the ID that is associated to each unique click.

Cost per Qualified Click - The average cost per qualified click to feature a particular listing (Note: this could be considerably less than your maximum bid due to Auto-Bidding. Because of this feature, you will always be charged the lowest possible amount for a qualified click which is just one penny more than was required to rank you higher than the listing below you at the time of the click).

Current Max Bid - This is the current maximum bid you've placed for that listing.

Current Position - This is the current position for that listing in its particular featured category if it were available.

Current Position Owner � This is the member name of the person whose listing is currently in that position.

Customer relationships and retention: This is the rate at which customers make repeat purchases from a particular advisor's listing in relation to all other listings in the category.

Earnings from Clicks � All money earned from transactions directly resulting from Featured Listings clicks (Qualified clicks and FL Acquired Customers).

Earnings from Qualified Clicks � Only money earned from transactions directly resulting from qualified clicks.

Featured Listings - Featured Listings are paid placements in order to advertise listing services to thousands of potential customers. Listings that have negative ratings or a star average of less than 3.5 cannot be featured, which means customers always get quality service when choosing a Featured Listing. Only available listings are displayed in Featured Listings.

FL Acquired Customer � This is a paid transaction from a customer whom you acquired through Featured Listings.

FL Charge Amt - The total amount charged for featuring a particular listing.

FL Transaction � This is a paid transaction (call or mail) that directly results from a Featured Listings click.

Inactive � When your bid expires, it is marked inactive.

Listing Value Score (LVS) - This is a score that is assigned to all listings in a category and is derived from a combination of factors that we believe best represents a reasonable measure of listing quality and customer satisfaction. Factors that contribute to a Listing Value Score include: Listing Presentation, Purchase Rate and Customer relationships and retention. A particular listing�s score is not fixed and may change regularly based on recent results. Furthermore, a particular listing�s LVS is a relative measure, meaning that changes in the scores of other listings in your listing category may effect your listing�s rank.

Listing presentation: This is the rate at which customers click-through a particular listing in relation to other listings in the category. Price, photos, listing titles, and ratings may all contribute to listing presentation.

Maximum Bid per Qualified Click - Your Maximum Bid is the highest amount that you're willing to pay for each Qualified Click to feature your listing in your category on Keen.

Position � Your position is based on a combination of a particular listing�s Maximum Bid amount and its Listing Value Score (LVS) in relation to the Maximum Bid amounts and LVS of other listings in that category on Keen. You may think of a listing�s Maximum Bid amount combined with its LVS as its total combined score, and this is what will determine a listings position in Featured Listings. The listing with the highest total combined score in a category will achieve the highest position in Featured Listings for that category; the next highest score will achieve the next highest position; and so on.

Purchase Rate: This is the rate at which customers purchase (call or mail) from a particular listing in relation to other listings in the category.

Qualified Click - A click is considered qualified when a customer with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available to take a call; when a user clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available to take a call and subsequently adds valid payment information to their account within 24 hours of clicking on your Featured Listing; when a customer with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) listens to your Featured Listing�s voice greeting when using the Browse Greetings option over the phone; when a customer with valid payment information enters the extension of your listing after dialing a unique 800 number that is made available to new customers.

Suggested Maximum Bid - This is calculated based on your Featured Listing�s prior performance. Your Suggested Maximum Bid is a bid amount that may bring you the most new customers while generating a return on your Featured Listings investment. It is calculated by dividing your Total Earnings for Featured Listings by the number of qualified clicks your Featured Listing has generated. Your Suggested Maximum Bid only displays next to the field �Maximum Bid Per Qualified Click� when editing/creating a Bid after you have received 3 or more paid transactions through Featured Listings. You can always bid more or less than the suggested maximum.

Total Clicks - The total clicks a listing has received in Featured Listings.

Total Cost from Qualified Clicks - The total amount you've spent featuring your listings.

Total Earnings from Featured Listings � The total amount of money earned from featuring a particular listing.

Total FL Earnings per Qualified Click - The money you earned, on average, per qualified click from Featured Listings.

Transactions from Featured Listings � Paid calls and mails that directly result from qualified clicks.

Transaction ID � The ID that is associated to each paid transaction (call or mail).
