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Featured Listings - Frequently Asked Questions


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Top Questions
Why should I pay to feature my listing?
The Featured Listings program lets you bid to promote your listing in top spots in your listing category on www.keen.com and 1-800-ASK-KEEN, increasing your opportunities to reach highly qualified potential customers who seek the services you offer. You'll only pay for Qualified Clicks on your listing from potential customers who have registered with valid payment information (e.g. a valid credit card or debit card) and only when you're available to take calls. We keep Featured Listings management simple for you with Auto-Ranking and Auto-Bidding.

How much does it cost to feature my listing?
You will be charged only for each Qualified Click (please see a detailed explanation of a Qualified Click below) on your listing, and you decide how much you're willing to pay for a Qualified Click.

Here's an overview of how it works:

First, you select a listing to feature and set your Maximum Bid -- the highest amount you're willing to pay for a Qualified Click -- to feature your listing in your category on Keen. At the time that you set your Maximum Bid amount, you'll be able to see your likely rank in relation to other featured listings in your listing category at that moment. You will be able to achieve a higher ranking with a higher Maximum Bid amount.

When you then make yourself available to take calls, our Auto-Ranking system will automatically place your listing in the highest possible spot on the page in your listing category in relation to other featured listings based on your Maximum Bid amount. Keep in mind that your listing's rank can change in relation to other listings as the Maximum Bid amounts and availability of other listings in your category change.

When your Featured Listing receives a Qualified Click, our Auto-Bidding feature will charge you the lowest possible amount for that click. The lowest possible amount is one penny more than was required to rank your listing higher than the listing below yours at the time of the click. This amount will never be more than your Maximum Bid amount.

What counts as a Qualified Click -- and what does not?
We track and report all clicks on your Featured Listing � both charged and uncharged. A click is recorded when a user clicks on links in your listing title, listing details, photo, Call Now button, or listing rating on Keen. A click is also tracked when a user browses Featured Listings over the phone and listens to your recorded voice greeting.

A click is considered qualified when:
  • A customer with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available to take a call.
  • A user clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available to take a call and subsequently adds valid payment information to their account within 24 hours of clicking on your Featured Listing.
  • A customer with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) listens to your Featured Listing's voice greeting when using the Browse Greetings option over the phone.
  • A customer with valid payment information enters the extension of your listing after dialing a promotional 800 number that has been advertised to new customers.
A click is not considered qualified when:
  • A member clicks on your listing when you are unavailable.
  • A member clicks on your listing when viewing it through a sort option other than Featured Listings including Top Available or Top Rated.
  • The same member clicks on your Featured Listing more than once in a 24-hour period; you will not be charged more than once for these clicks.
  • A non-member clicks on your Featured Listing when you're available to take a call but doesn't register with valid payment information within 24 hours of clicking on your Featured Listing.
  • You click on your own listing
  • Other advisors click on your listing (unless they go on to make a paid transaction with you)
  • Customers who have paid transactions with you within the last 30 days click on your Featured Listing
  • A member enters the extension of your listing after dialing the main phone number for Keen, 1-800-ASK-KEEN.
  • An employee of Keen clicks on your listing.
How are Featured Listings ranked?
When you make yourself available to take calls, our Auto-Ranking system will automatically place your listing in the highest possible spot on the page in your listing category in relation to other featured listings based on your Maximum Bid amount. Keep in mind that your listing's rank can change in relation to other listings as the Maximum Bid amounts and availability of those other listings change.

Featured Listings are also ranked in relation to one another. This ranking is based on a combination of a particular listing's Maximum Bid amount and its Listing Value Score (LVS) in relation to the Maximum Bid amounts and LVS of other listings in that category on Keen. You may think of a listing's Maximum Bid amount combined with its LVS as its total combined score, and this is what will determine a listings rank in Featured Listings. The listing with the highest total combined score in a category will achieve the highest rank in Featured Listings for that category; the next highest score will achieve the next highest ranking; and so on.

What is a Listing Value Score (LVS)?
This is a score that is assigned to all listings in a category and is derived from a combination of factors that we believe best represents a reasonable measure of listing quality and customer satisfaction. Factors that contribute to a Listing Value Score include:

Listing presentation: At what rate do customers click-through a particular listing in relation to other listings in the category? Price, photos, listing titles, and ratings may all contribute to listing presentation.

Purchase Rate: At what rate do customers purchase (call or mail) from a particular listing in relation to other listings in the category? Listings that are designed well, priced right, load quickly and use a strong call to action in relation to other listings may see a higher purchase rate. Keep in mind that your Featured Listing can also be found by customers who browse voice greetings over the phone so be sure to produce a high-quality voice greeting.

Customer relationships and retention: At what rate do customers make repeat purchases from a particular advisor in relation to other advisors in the category? Providing professional high quality service, using Free Minutes and analyzing your results can lead to better customer relationships and retention.

A particular listing's score is not fixed and may change regularly based on recent results. Furthermore, a particular listing's LVS is a relative measure, meaning that changes in the scores of other listings in your listing category may effect your listing's rank.

How do I achieve a higher rank in featured listings?
The simplest step you can take is to increase your Maximum Bid amount. At the time that you are setting your Maximum Bid amount, you'll be able to determine your likely rank based on the amount you enter.

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Choose A Listing
I have several listings. Which listing should I feature? Can I feature more than one listing?
You may feature as many listings as you want, and you can bid different amounts for each one. Your listing must have a photo in order to feature it and it must have an average star rating greater than 3.5. A listing without a photo, with negative ratings or a star average of less than 3.5 cannot be featured. We suggest that you feature the listing or listings that will generate the greatest return for you.

We also urge you to record your member name and greeting for your featured listing. When a customer dials a toll-free number to access Keen, they have the option to browse Featured Listings by listening to recorded names and greetings of listings by category. Your listing will not be featured over the phone without an accepted recorded name and greeting. To record your name and greeting, dial 1-800-ASK-KEEN and follow instructions after logging into your account or go to My Account and click on "Record greetings for my listings" in the Marketing Center.

Can I feature a listing from one category in another category?
No, you can't -- your listing can only be featured in the category to which it already belongs.

Why don't all my Featured Listings show up when I'm bidding more than two listings to be shown on one page?
If you have more than one listing in a particular category, we only allow your best Featured Listing to appear on each category page. This improves the customer experience by minimizing the potential confusion caused by multiple listings per advisor, and saves advisors' money by minimizing the number of times they can be charged for Qualified Clicks.

Does my listing's rating matter?
Yes it does. To ensure quality, listings that have negative ratings or a star average of less than 3.5 cannot be featured. If your listing drops below these levels, you will need to take steps to improve your ratings to meet these requirements in order to feature your listing.

What if I'm new to Keen and I don't have any ratings or stars?
If your listing is new, you can use Featured Listings to promote your service offering where thousands of potential new customers will see it, as long as your listing has positive ratings points and your star average stays above 3.5.

If I don't feature my listing, how will my customers find me?
First, all eligible listings may appear in the Featured Listing ranking. You may expect that listings of those who are setting competitive Maximum Bid amounts will appear first followed by listings of those who choose not to bid competitively in Featured Listings. Even if you do not have an active bid, your listing will still be given a Listing Value Score (LVS). With an LVS, a listing may appear in Featured Listings behind those who are bidding competitively.

Second, we've also built a variety of features to make sure your customers can find you quickly and easily: Features like My Favorite Advisors on customer home pages and their My Account page; and My Favorite Advisors on 1-800-ASK-KEEN; plus users have the ability to sort listings by Top Available and Highest Rating making it easy for your customers to reconnect with you.

Will my listing still be displayed in my listing category based on my rating and other sort options if it is featured too?
Yes, your listing will show up twice: both as a Featured Listing in your category page, and according to its rating when customers browse using the Top Available and Highest Rated sorts.

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Place Your Bid
Is there a minimum amount for an active bid?
Yes. The minimum amount for an active bid is one penny per Qualified Click.

I want to be in the top position every time I'm available. How can I do that?
Use the bidding tools to set your Maximum Bid to achieve the rank you desire. Keep in mind that your rank and amount charged per Qualified Click may vary as the availability and Maximum Bid of other featured listings in your category change. You can view your rank, review results, and manage your bids from your My Account page.

If I bid to be featured in my listing category, will I have to bid again to appear on a sub-category page of the main category?
No. A bid that features your listing on your main category page will automatically feature that listing on the appropriate sub-category page as well. This applies in the reverse too. If you only bid to feature in your sub-category page, your listing will appear in the higher main category pages behind the higher ranked listings.

Do Featured Listings show up in search results?
Yes, Featured Listings do appear in search results and elsewhere throughout Keen.

What if I want to change or cancel my Featured Listing bid?
From your My Account page under the section titled My Listings, simply locate the listing that you've bid on and click "Edit" in the "Featured" column. From here you'll able to change your Maximum Bid, or stop featuring your listing altogether.

Can I set a budget to Feature my listing?
Yes by entering an amount in the field labeled "Budget" under Bid Expiration when you are creating or editing your Maximum Bid. The amount you set for your Budget will limit your total cost for clicks to the Budget amount. Your Budget amount must be at least three times the amount of your bid price. For example, if your bid price is $2.00, you must enter a Budget amount of at least $6.00.

What is a "Maximum Bid"?
Your Maximum Bid is the highest amount that you're willing to pay for each Qualified Click to feature your listing in your category on Keen. At the time that you set your Maximum Bid amount, you'll be able to see your likely rank in relation to other featured listings in your listing category at that moment. You will be able to achieve a higher ranking with a higher Maximum Bid amount.

What is a "Suggested Maximum Bid?"
Your Suggested Maximum Bid only displays next to the field "Maximum Bid Per Qualified Click" when editing/creating a Bid after you have received 3 or more paid transactions through Featured Listings.

On your My Results page you'll also see your Suggested Maximum Bid, which is calculated based on your Featured Listing's prior performance. Your Suggested Maximum Bid is a bid amount that may bring you the most new customers while generating a return on your Featured Listings investment. It is calculated by dividing your Total Earnings for Featured Listings by the number of charged clicks your Featured Listing has generated.

You can always bid less or more than the Suggested Maximum Bid, and we highly recommend that you carefully analyze your results to determine the Maximum Bid amount that generated the best results for you.

I bid to feature my listing, but I don't see it in my category.
If you've set a Maximum Bid to feature a listing and you don't see it in the category where it belongs, then it's possible that you haven't made yourself available -- remember, for your own benefit, your Featured Listing only appears when you're available to receive calls -- or the database simply hasn't refreshed, in which case just wait a moment and refresh the category page. Please read the next section, Manage Your Featured Listings, for other reasons that your Featured Listing may not be active.

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Manage Your Featured Listings
What if I want to change or cancel my Featured Listing bid?
From your My Account page under the section titled My Listings, simply locate the listing that you've bid on and click "Edit" in the "Featured" column. From here you'll able to change your Maximum Bids, or stop featuring your listing altogether.

Can I set a budget for how much I'm willing to spend on Featured Listings?
Yes by entering an amount in the field labeled "Budget" under Bid Expiration when you are creating or editing your Maximum Bid. The amount you set for your Budget will limit your total cost for clicks to the Budget amount. Your Budget amount must be at least three times the amount of your bid price. For example, if your bid price is $2.00, you must enter a Budget amount of at least $6.00.

Why is my Bid no longer active or my listing no longer featured?
Keep in mind that your rank may vary as the availability and Maximum Bid of other featured listings in your category change. If you've set a Maximum Bid to feature your listing and you don't see it in the category where it belongs, then it's possible that you haven't made yourself available -- remember, for your own benefit, your Featured Listing only appears when you're available to receive calls -- or the database simply hasn't refreshed, in which case you can just wait a moment and refresh the category page.

Your listing's bid may expire or your listing may not be ranked where you expect for other reasons including:
  • Budget reached � When you set your Maximum Bid amount, you have the option to set a limit on the total amount to spend to feature your listing. This is your Bid Expiration or Budget amount. Your Featured Listing bid expires once you reach the budget that you set. To create a new bid and budget, you simply need to enter a new Maximum Bid for that listing again.
  • Insufficient funds � You don't have enough money in your account to pay for a Qualified Click. To solve this problem, simply deposit more money into your account.
  • Low conversion - A Featured Listing bid expires when it generates an unusually high number of Qualified Clicks relative to paid transactions from those clicks. We do this to help you limit highly inefficient spending to feature your listings. If your bid expires for this reason, you'll receive an email letting you know what steps you can take to make your bids active again. Note: To improve the quality of your listing and to increase the response rate of the listing, see our helpful tips.
Other reasons listings may no longer be featured:
  • No Photo � Your listing is required to have a photo to be displayed in Featured Listings.
  • Low Ratings � To ensure quality, listings that have negative ratings or a star average less than 3.5 cannot be featured. If your listing drops below these levels, you will need to take steps to improve your ratings to meet these requirements in order to feature your listing. If your listing is new, you're able to Feature your service as long as your ratings don't drop into the negative and your star average stays above 3.5.
  • Not accepted/Pending acceptance � Your listing could either be not accepted or pending acceptance. Check your My Account page and look at the My Listings section for messages/icons informing what steps you may need to take.
  • Recorded Name and Greeting � When a customer dials a toll-free number to access Keen, they have the option to browse Featured Listings by listening to recorded names and greetings of listings by category. Your listing will not be featured over the phone without an accepted recorded name and greeting. To record your name and greeting, dial 1-800-ASK-KEEN and follow instructions after logging into your account or go to My Account and click on "Record greetings for my listings" in the Marketing Center.
Note: Your listing can still be featured on www.keen.com without a recorded name/greeting.

No matter the reason, we'll always send you an email letting know what actions you need to take to feature your listing if the bid expires.

How can I improve my Listing Value Score?
Remember that this is a score that is assigned to all listings in a category and is derived from a combination of factors that we believe represent a reasonable measure of listing quality and customer satisfaction. With this in mind, good business practices will help to improve your listing's value score including:
  • Create an effective listing presentation to help improve your click rate metric:

    • Listing Title � Engage your audience and use correct spelling and grammar
    • Thumbnails � Add a high-quality thumbnail photo. Make an impression.
    • Ratings � Provide excellent service and encourage written feedback.
    • Pricing � Do your customers buy more at higher or lower price points? Monitor and analyze your results and adjust your price accordingly.
    • Recorded Name and Greeting � When a customer dials a toll-free number to access Keen, they have the option to browse Featured Listings by listening to recorded names and greetings of listings by category. Make sure that you speak clearly and give prospective customers your best pitch. Note: Your listing can still be a featured on www.keen.com without a recorded name/greeting.
    • Analyze your results � Use My Results Click reports to monitor click activity and understand how best to drive Qualified Clicks that convert to customers. The "Export to Excel" feature is a great way to save files and perform deeper analysis of results.
  • Convert clicks into purchases to help improve your purchase rate metric: When a prospective customer clicks through to your listing, what do they see or hear?

    • Quality service: Written Feedback from other customers really matters. Providing excellent service to your last customer may be the best way to acquire your next.
    • Differentiate from the competition: Create unique, compelling listings that grab a user's attention and are easy to read and load quickly.
    • A strong call to action: Why should the user contact you right now?
    • Experiment: Test different types of creative and content to see what works
    • Voice Greetings: Keep in mind that your Featured Listing can also be found by customers who browse over the phone so be sure to produce a high-quality voice greeting.
    • Analyze � Use My Results Transactions reports to monitor the rate at which you convert clicks into customers. Analyze your results to understand how the changes you make affect the purchase rate from your listings. The "Export to Excel" feature is a great way to save files and perform deeper analysis of results.
  • Develop valuable customer relationships to help improve your customer value metric:

    • Quality service: The best way to get a repeat customer is to provide professional high quality service.
    • Use Keen Mail: Send follow-up thank-you mails noting topics and thoughts from your conversation.
    • Send Free minutes: 1 free minute after every paid call goes a long way.
    • Analyze �

      • Use Featured Listings My Results reports to increase your return on the program.
      • Use My Customers tools to understand customer behavior, segment your customer lists, and implement effective retention programs.
Don't hesitate to ask further questions via forums, email, or customer support.

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My Results
What is "My Results"?
My Results is available through your My Account page and gives you detailed information regarding your featured listings. For each listing you can see detailed results related to:
  • Overview of your Featured Listings: Review your FL transactions, earnings, and costs
  • Listings: Roll-up of historical data for each featured listing's results
  • Bids: Review bid history as it relates to max bid, charged amounts and bid statuses
  • Clicks: Review all clicks; which customers generated them and when; and whether or not they led to paid transactions
  • Transactions: Review all paid transactions as a roll-up or broken down by Recorded, Live, and Mail for the timeframe you choose
  • Customers: Review and analyze historical data for each customer acquired through Featured Listings and their paid transactions with you.
To learn about My Results in more detail, try our Featured Listings tutorial.

What is a Bid ID?
This is the identification number for each separate Maximum Bid that you set to feature your listing.

How many bids can I have at once for a listing?
You may only have one active bid at a time for each individual listing. It you decide to change your Maximum Bid, the old bid will become inactive, and your new bid will get a new Bid ID.

What is a Click ID?
Each click that occurs while your listing is featured receives a unique Click ID. This helps you to see when a click occurs and whether or not it was a Qualified Click. You may sort your Featured Listings clicks by Qualified Clicks; unqualified clicks; or both. You can also sort your clicks by date range.

What is a Call or Mail?
These are links assigned to each paid transaction that is placed to you from your Featured Listing. If you click on the link, you'll be taken to the actual details for that particular transaction.

Can I see details for customers who click on my Featured Listings?
Yes. The My Results section is integrated with My Customers. The clickable member name is displayed for each customer who has a paid transaction with you after clicking on your Featured Listing. You may link from My Results to My Customers to help you better manage your Featured Listing investment.

Can I see member names of users who click on my Featured Listings in My Results but are not My Customers?
No. We believe that revealing the member name of a user who clicks on your Featured Listing without making a purchase from you would be a violation of that member's privacy. As you know, privacy is extremely important to Keen. However, you will be able to see the date that a particular member joined Keen, which may be a helpful insight and makes the interaction somewhat more tangible.

How did I receive Featured Listings earnings when I don't have an active bid?
This may be a result of your listing having a relatively high Listing Value Score. You'll see this when viewing click reporting of qualified clicks with no FL charges.

How did I receive Featured Listings earnings when there are no clicks for my listing, or receive clicks but no paid transactions?
Sometimes members will click on one of your listings and call another. To check how the program is performing for you overall, choose "All Listings" from the dropdown menu.

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Do I have to pay for my Featured Listings in advance?
You need to have a balance in your account whether it's from services you have sold or a credit card deposit. You'll only be charged once you make yourself available and receive Qualified Clicks on your Featured Listing.

Will I get charged for clicks that occur when I'm not available to take calls?
No, you are only charged for clicks that occur when you're available to take calls.

Will I get charged if I miss a call while I'm available, or just decide not to take it?
Yes. You'll be charged according to the same rules, whether or not you take the call.

Will I get charged if I click on my Featured Listing or if my established customers or other advisors click on it?
No, you can click on your listing as often as you like and you won't be charged. You will only be charged for clicks from other advisors if they go on to make a paid transaction from your listing. Finally, you will not be charged when a customer who has made a paid transaction with you within the past 30 days clicks on your Featured Listing.

If a user clicks on my listing who doesn't have a credit card on file, but does add one later, will I get charged for a Qualified Click?
Yes, if this member goes on to add a credit card within 24 hours of clicking on your Featured Listing, that click will be counted as a Qualified Click at the bid price that was in effect at the time of the Click.

Why did a previously uncharged click become a charged Qualified Click?
This may occur if a user clicks on your Featured Listing when you were available to take a call and subsequently registers and/or signs in to an account with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) within 24 hours of that click on your Featured Listing.

When this happens, you might notice:
  • The click occurred when you were available, but the click was charged when it became Qualified even if you weren't available.
  • The click was uncharged, but then becomes a charged Qualified Click. The My Results Click Report contains two columns for "click" and "click qualified" date to help you understand the delay when a click becomes Qualified within the 24 hour window.
  • Your click charge is more than your current max bid. The click is charged based on your Maximum Bid Amount at the time the click originally occurred. However, we'll only charge you one penny more than was required to rank you higher than the listing below you at the time of the click.
What if I run out of money while my bid is active?
Your bid will become inactive. To continue featuring your listing, you'll need to set and place your Maximum Bid after you add or earn more money.

Am I charged for clicks on web sites other than www.keen.com where Featured Listings are displayed?
Featured Listings may also be displayed in banner advertisements and through feeds that are made available to marketing partners. You are only charged for Qualified Clicks as explained above in Top Questions. We believe these marketing programs offer you great exposure for your listing at a minimal expense.

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