Pisces Yearly Horoscope

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2024 Yearly Horoscope

Expand Arrow Love and Romance

Saturn’s placement in your sensitive, compassionate sign can have both positive and negative impacts on your relationship this year, Pisces. First, on the plus side, being able to see things from your boo’s perspective makes you a more understanding and empathetic partner. However, on the flip side, this transit can make you extremely sensitive, leaving you with resentment and hurt feelings that don’t go away with a simple apology. As an introvert, it’s natural for you to give bae the silent treatment or become passive-aggressive after certain incidents, but this kind of behavior will only hinder the healing process.

Luckily, during the full moon and partial lunar eclipse in your own sign in mid-September you get a chance to be especially intuitive when it comes to your relationship. It’s easy for you to pick up on certain important details now that might seem hidden at other times, which gives you a romantic advantage. Use your special insight to make your partner feel good. Anticipating their needs and then fulfilling them before they even say anything is a huge turn-on!

Dominant Mars feels slightly out of place while linked with like-minded water sign Cancer and your pleasure and romance zone for most of September and October, but your creativity can pay off during this uneven time. A willingness to take the initiative and do some things that normally make you uncomfortable can make a substantial difference during this take-charge transit. Just don’t force anything. It’s extremely important that you both feel comfortable and trust each other 100 percent before you move ahead with anything. Otherwise, there’s about a zero percent chance that your bold moves will be successful.

If you aren’t part of a happy couple this year, Pisces, you’re okay with that. Most of the focus will be on you and your growth as a person, which means you won’t be so intent on finding your soul mate in 2024. If you have someone special in your life already but haven’t quite made it to commitment status, you could see some resentment and jealousy there, as well as with your friends. But again, your purpose now isn’t to fixate on other people and cater to their feelings. You do you and the rest will fall into place. You’ll find that healthy relationship when you’re ready for it, not before.

If you’re looking for romance, a full moon in picky, hardworking Virgo hits your relationship zone at the end of February and has you looking for potential loves/lovers who are either close to your version of perfection or willing to put in the extra effort to please you. This might be a time when you start dating multiple people at once to see how they measure up against each other, with only the best of the best making it to the next round, reality TV style! There’s nothing wrong with this approach to dating, but be sure to keep close track of the details so you don’t actually text the wrong person or show up to the wrong place at the wrong time!

The sun and love goddess Venus are also in organized earth sign Virgo in late August, and the moon is new in Virgo early in September, so late summer can be a magical time for your love life. Your odds of finding a romantic traditionalist increase now, so be on the lookout for someone you could see yourself spending forever with. When you put out the message that you’re ready for love, it will find you.

All About You

Dear introvert Pisces, are you ready to be in the spotlight in 2024?! Because as ambitious Saturn spends time in your first house of self this year, you’re going to have all eyes on you as your confidence increases and you work to find out who you truly are. Scary? Yes! But the discomfort and awkwardness that you feel can pay off big time in the form of personal growth and transformation.

Additionally, your dreamy ruler Neptune continues to travel through your first house again this entire year, increasing your intuitive gifts and psychic abilities. Tapping into your subconscious via dreams, visions, and premonitions not only gives you an edge over your competition for the next twelve months but also gives you the chance to grow in interesting, alternative ways. Opening yourself to the Universe’s karmic, spiritual, and ethereal enlightenment can make this a truly magical year.

Neptune is retrograde between early July and early December, however, which is when certain realities will hit you like a ton of bricks. Your intuition will still be spot-on, but it might not be able to shield you from the unpleasantness that this harsh transit often reveals. Luckily, with this year being your year of “me,” you should have more tools to deal with the kinds of disappointments that bummer planetary transits can bring. We’re confident that you’ll find a way to make your dreams prevail even when what you’re going through feels like a nightmare!

Career and Money

Quick-thinking Mercury pairs up with daring Sagittarius and your career zone for the first couple weeks of the year, Pisces, stirring up your creativity and encouraging you to turn your ideas into plans that can give you a step up on the job. You stand out from the rest of the crowd during this interesting transit, and while you aren’t always comfortable with that, there are more opportunities available to you now. You might never be a big-time power player, but you can use the charm of this planetary partnership to rule at work now.

With Saturn in your first house, your personal accountability is very high this year, which means you need to make an effort to capitalize on every opportunity that comes your way, especially when it relates to finances. This is a long-term growth year, though, so don’t expect to hit any huge jackpots or get any big checks from unexpected sources. Not counting on big money moments should motivate you to make small, wise moves that will benefit you in the long term and give you the financial security you want and deserve.

The notable new moon and solar eclipse in fiery Aries and your money zone show up in early April, so be sure to watch out for erratic spending during this lunation. This aggressive energy in your possessions sector can give off some pretty irresponsible vibes, sending you on silly spending sprees and putting a dent in your bank account. Find a way to stop your crazy impulse buying now or you’ll (literally) pay the consequences later. ↑ read less
Saturn’s placement in your sensitive, compassionate sign can have both positive and negative impacts on your relationship this year, Pisces. First, on the plus side, being able to see things from your boo’s perspective makes you a more understanding and empathetic partner. However, on the flip side, this transit can make you extremely sensitive, leaving you with resentment and hurt feelings that don’t go away with a simple apology. As an introvert, it’s natural for you to give bae the silent treatment or become passive-aggressive after certain incidents, but this kind of behavior will only hinder the healing process.

Luckily, during the full moon and partial lunar eclipse in your own sign in mid-September you get a chance to be especially intuitive when it comes to your relationship. It’s easy for you to pick up on certain important details now that might seem hidden at other times, which gives you a romantic advantage. Use your special insight to make your partner feel good. Anticipating their needs and then fulfilling them before they even say anything is a huge turn-on!

Dominant Mars feels slightly out of place while linked with like-minded water sign Cancer and your pleasure and romance zone for most of September and October, but your creativity can pay off during this uneven time. A willingness to take the initiative and do some things that normally make you uncomfortable can make a substantial difference during this take-charge transit. Just don’t force anything. It’s extremely important that you both feel comfortable and trust each other 100 percent before you move ahead with anything. Otherwise, there’s about a zero percent chance that your bold moves will be successful.
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