Happy Spring Equinox

spring love equinox

The Astrological New Year and Spring Equinox occur around March 21st each year, when the sun enters the Cardinal sign of Aries and the spring season officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun rises due east and sets due west, no matter where on the planet you are. Days and nights are nearly equal.

Holidays during this time, such as Easter and Beltane, usually relate to fertility and the hope for successful crops in the field. Spring has been associated with burgeoning sexuality. In song, spring suggests the maiden or lad as they step into adulthood. Life offers many opportunities that have yet to be explored. Everything is fresh, new and exciting. Hormones act up and libidinal urges start to simmer within.

The Spring Equinox is also an in-between period that is a great for cleaning, hence the expression ‘spring cleaning.’ No longer stuck indoors due to frigid weather, the rising temperatures allow for more freedom out of the house. However, April showers usually prevent full enjoyment of the outdoors, so it is more useful to engage in activities now that will free up your time later when the weather warms up. Plant seeds around your home that will blossom in the coming months. The signs of life that are just starting to show can bring an optimistic mood. When the Sun finally makes a longer appearance, you’ll see many more bodies out to play.

With the Sun moving through Aries until April 19th you may find you’ve got an increased surge of passion, vitality and courage. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac — the fire-starter and pioneer who boldly blazes new territory.

The Aries Sun boosts your leadership potential and inspires new beginnings. Take the risk of jumping in head-first, trusting your excitement to guide you. You might not have much energy for following through on everything you started, but you can worry about that later!

If you’ve been feeling stuck, the Sun in Aries can give you a push to break through resistance and just do it. Don’t wait until you’ve got the perfect plan — in the beginning, there are always many unknowns. Just take the first step and trust that the next step will become clear at the right time.

Watch out for the Ram’s shadow — impatience, anger and selfishness. Tempers tend to shorten while the Sun is in Aries, and you might need to make an effort to be tactful and considerate of others’ feelings. Exercise can be helpful for blowing off excess steam. And if you’ve wanted to get in shape, now is the perfect time!

Love Advice for Women by Zodiac Sign

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