Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2017


Aren’t you just thrilled that Mercury is in Retrograde again? Yeah, so are we. Mercury went retrograde in Virgo, and as always, there are potential implications we need to keep in mind. While Mercury Rx may make the events in your life during this period feel much more intensified, remember that you can use the cosmic energy from this event to propel any opportunities for growth that lie before you. The best way to do that of course, is to speak to an Advisor on Keen who can help you plant the seeds for what you want to blossom in your life.

We also have some quick tips for you to make the most of the remainder of this Mercury Retrograde. With a few weeks until Mercury goes direct, there’s a lot of time to take advantage of the power of this event to make some positive changes in your life! Just follow some of our ideas below, or consider some of your own ideas and you have all the energy you need to make them happen.

1. De-Clutter Your Heart, Mind, and Yeah, Your Closet

Spring is almost over, and if you haven’t yet, this is the time for you to finally clean out your closet. Literally and figuratively! Literally, consider getting organized. Clear the clutter from your physical space—donate the things you don’t have use for anymore (it is still valuable to someone else!) and think about the best ways you want to use the space around you. Figuratively, think about the areas in your life you may be investing too much time and resources and not getting the best returns from. Are there people or things you’re wasting your time on? Remember, life is short, and you deserve the best that life has to offer. Clear out the clutter and live a more light and peaceful life!

2. Forgive

While energies may be focused on the negative during Mercury Retrograde, regroup and refocus and remember that for you to be happy, you need to eliminate the hurt or anger you may be holding on to. Were you wronged by an ex-partner, or an ex-best friend? Find peace by putting an end to lingering anger. Remember that letting go is much easier than holding on to toxic feelings. The closure you need lies within you, you \ should make that decision to put it to an end. It’s time to move on. You deserve to. 

3. Rejuvenate

After going through some of the ideas above, remember that you deserve care. Your spiritual self and physical self-require attention and love, so consider giving yourself some well-deserved R&R. Think about your health as well. Are you taking the best care of your body? There are simple things you can do to help refresh: Make an extra effort to relax before bed, maybe by turning off the television and having an Epsom salt bath, and get your solid 8 hours. Get a massage, do some stretching, and move your body as much as you can.

Remember that Mercury Retrograde isn’t a time to be feared, and you can learn to summon the power available during this time to make great things happen in your life. You have talented Advisors on Keen that can also help you when you’re feeling stuck. Take advantage of the energy in the air!


How Has Mercury Rx Affected You? #KeenOnTheRoad


Got a funny, enlightening, or just downright memorable story to share about how Mercury Retrograde has affected you? Enter our #KeenOnTheRoad contest for the week on our Facebook page for a chance to win $50 Keen Dollars! 

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