Availability Manager  
  Being an advisor on Keen means getting paid to take phone calls, wherever and whenever you want them. But you won’t always want to take calls, and you don’t want to miss any, either. That’s why our Availability Manager is such a valuable tool; managing your phone availability makes sure that you only get calls when you want them – and that when you’re busy or unavailable, customers can arrange to talk to you at a later time.

The call button on your listing will always display your current availability status. This tells customers whether they can:

1. call you immediately;
2. get in line to talk with you when you’re free; or
3. when you aren’t taking calls at all, how they can arrange a future conversation.

Here are your three statuses:

Taking Calls
Arrange Calls

Taking Calls

When your status is “Taking Calls,” customers will see this call button:


“Taking Calls” is a guarantee that customers can reach you by phone immediately. If you miss a call while in this status, you’ll lose 2 rating points. So when you choose this status, be sure you’re ready for calls -- and be sure to change your status when you know you’re going to be away from your phone.

When you’re on a call while in this status, customers who want to talk to you will be placed in line for a call back, unless you have call backs “off” in your arranged call preferences.

Note: We’ve eliminated the availability reminder call, so you can leave your status as “Taking Calls” without being called by Keen. However, you can choose to receive calendar reminder calls on your Options page.


Arrange Calls

When your status is "Arrange Calls," customers will see this call button:


When you’re in this status, customers won’t be able to call you immediately, but they can either get in line for a call back or request an appointment. You have to have either call backs or appointments (or both) activated in order to use this status. You won’t receive phone alerts in this status, but you will receive email alerts when customers get in line for a call back or request an appointment.



When your status is "Offline," customers will see this call button:


When you’re “Offline,” customers won’t be able to reach you immediately or get in line for a call back. Your call button will suggest they send you an email, and you can have an auto-Reply email automatically sent them if they write to you.


Availability Manager

Your Availability Manager puts every aspect of your availability in one place. You can change to any of your three statuses, and manage the attributes for each status, including your availability and arranged call info, phone and email alerts, schedules, auto-reply email message, and options for basic data like your phone numbers and time zone.

There are 4 tabs at the top of your Availability Manager:

Details Here you’ll see your current preferences for each status. You can edit these preferences without changing to that status! You can stay in status “Taking Calls,” for instance, while editing your preferences for your “Offline” status.

Change Status – Here is where you’ll actually change your status. Simply use the pull-down menu to choose the status you’d like to change to.

Schedules – If you only want to be taking calls at specific hours, you can create a set schedule that will automatically change your availability every day. For instance, you could choose to be in “Taking Calls” status from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, and automatically switch to “Arrange Calls” for all other hours.

Options – Here is where you can view and change your phone numbers, time zone, schedule reminder, auto-reply email, and required appointment deposit.