Master Clairvoyant - Honest, accurate and quick!!! 20+ Years of proven accuracy!!! I can help you get the answers you need. Call ext. 5683 or "LOVE" for your reading now!!
Hi Everybody, I'm Kittenit! I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I was born under the sign of Pisces, with a powerful, unaspected Mercury in Aquarius, conjunct my Midheaven, which makes me a natural psychic, astrologer and humanitarian. My
My Approach To Topics
General Info: If your question is about an individual, I will only ask for the first name of that person, or what you personally call them.
I don't need birth signs, etc (I don't use astrology). I personally find Tarot very accurate and quick way
Highlighted Review
03/04/2024 - Call
Kittenit mailed it again. Picked up on my situation perfectly!!!