~Align with your Soul~Spiritual Readings by Shanti
~ Align your Vibe to Ease and Flow ~~ Keen's Premier Empath ~~ Clairaudient Energy Reader ~~ Connect w Angels, Spirit Guides and Higher Self for Soul Level Lessons and Guidance ~~ 40,000 + 5 Star readings ~~ Namaste ~~
Shanti tunes in on your energy immediately as well as the persons and situation in question. She is known for her accuracy, efficiency and honesty.
Shanti's diverse international clientele includes leaders in business and the arts as well as people
My Approach To Topics
Shanti has been a professional psychic for 16 years and is one of the most highly rated readers on Keen.
Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and an empathic intuitive with many lifetimes of experience, Shanti's path as a healer includes yoga & massage
Highlighted Review
04/27/2024 - Chat
I really enjoyed chatting with Shanti. She is very perceptive, kind and grounded. And she seemed to really get my situation and was able to guide me in a super productive way. Thank you!