Let me help you discover your greatest talents and hidden abilities for a more fulfilling and focused life. The more Specific your Question the sooner and more precise the Answer.
Being born a psychic child, was quite a gift and I was graciously supported by my mother who also had these gifts. I started learning Astrology and Tarot in 1978 in Hawaii through a very gifted psychic Astrologer, and continue to learn as I
My Approach To Topics
I am a good balance between being compassionate, along with being direct on the Topic of Relationships. May I suggest that but do your best to not allow yourself to get locked on the question of WHY he/she doesn't love you anymore. The fact very
Highlighted Review
09/08/2024 - Call
SFM is absolutely wonderful to read with. Shes quick and knowledgeable with her cards, and is able to deep dive your situation to help you understand the bigger picture. She is able to peel back the layers to identify what the outcome will pan out to