Let me help you discover your greatest talents and hidden abilities for a more fulfilling and focused life. The more Specific your Question the sooner and more precise the Answer.
Being born a psychic child, was quite a gift and I was graciously supported by my mother who also had these gifts. I started learning Astrology and Tarot in 1978 in Hawaii through a very gifted psychic Astrologer, and continue to learn as I
My Approach To Topics
I am a good balance between being compassionate, along with being direct on the Topic of Relationships. May I suggest that but do your best to not allow yourself to get locked on the question of WHY he/she doesn't love you anymore. The fact very
Highlighted Review
01/07/2025 - Call
Absolutely wonderful with the birth chart reading - it was so spot on, and so much information. you will not regret taking the plunge and getting a chart reading with Julie! especially as we progress into the new year, it is VERY beneficial to have