Some dreams are a reflection of what is going on in our own head. Some dreams are something else. Either way it's subconscious trying to talk to you. Either way I'm here to help you figure them out.
My Attributes
Communication Style
Love & Relationships
Career & Work
Destiny & Life Path
LGBTQ Issues
Dream Exploration
Dream Interpretation
Otherworld Connections
About Me
With an early discovery at age 16 of my gifts, the journey that I have been on has been a wild one. From keeping the power of intuition and clairvoyancy an intimate secret to finally daring to give my first paid readings in a small-town bar, and all
My Approach To Topics
I've heard it said that even birds dream. Dreaming is an inherent part of life. Some dreams even most dreams melt away in; the light of day like a gossamer web once touched devolves. Other dreams on the other hand stick with us. They demand that we