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2,225 readings since 2018
5 minutes for $1
Bone Readings - A Glimpse into Past and Future
Bone reading is one of the most ancient form of scrying, but it's more of a technique than a tool. Simple answers can be gleaned with a little information shared.
My Attributes
Love & Relationships
Career & Work
Destiny & Life Path
Breakups & Divorce
Family & Friends
Endorsed Strengths
Accurate • 33
Detailed • 33
Helpful • 33
Honest • 33
Kind • 29
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About Me
About Me
I have given hundreds of readings, and they have astounded me with their consistent accuracy, as well as providing more detail than most readings. While I've read tarot, I feel these offer a better depth. I'm already good at reading people's auras
My Approach To Topics
My Approach To Topics
I rely on a certain minimum information to get my bearings, but I combine intuition and experience in my field to build a detailed response. I also use years of counseling experience to help inform my responses.

I'm a straight-talker and a modern