Angels speak truth and I am their vessel. Loosing faith, its one step at a time as the universe unfolds; the angels will help us. They will speak and I will relay exactly what they say, then I can explain if needed.
When I was a baby I knew what others thought; Not knowing my psychic abilities were not the same for everyone.. I grew up in NY, feeling so comfortable with the spirits that had past in the homes now historical. My life journey has shown me many
My Approach To Topics
First names is all the Angels need to add information to your questions, and to assist you on your journey finding truth to make informed decisions. Losing faith, the universe tells you one step at a time because we can not fathom all which must
Highlighted Review
01/30/2025 - Call
Another great read with Celeste, questions answered in great detail and accuracy as I didn't really have to explain much with regards to my situation but Celeste and the spirits were on cue as always with poi and current happenings. Always a pleasure