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Tommy Ross

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13 readings since 2015
5 minutes for $1
Very experienced Tarot teacher via phone
I am a successful reader and teacher of The Tarot, and wrote Southern California's only certification course of it's kind with previous grads working in the industry.
My Attributes
Career & Work
Astrology - Western
About Me
I garnered an interest in the cards at a young age when my mom first read for me using her Salador Dali deck. The mantle was passed on later on in life and I experimented with many decks until the artwork of Pamela Colman Smith struck a deep chord
My Approach To Topics
Very straight-forward, I teach the basic fundamentals of any Tarot card - astrological and planetary correspondences plus basic meanings. I am a master of the Celtic Cross spread and can help you improve your interpretations of this universally used
Category: Other