New Customer Offer: 5 minutes for $1


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1 reading since 2021
5 minutes for $1
Fast moving and straight to the point. When connecting with my customers, there is an immediate connection with cards. I channel information from a higher source/being. I am open to all questions or concerns.
My Attributes
General Readings
Spirit Guides
Deceased Loved Ones
Dream Exploration
Otherworld Connections
About Me
About Me
I started doing readings starting in my late teens, through my 20's, up to present time. I am originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, but lived off and on for many years in Southern California. I am a Wanderlust by heart. I now live off grid, green
My Approach To Topics
You will walk away with a sense of peace. I do not sugar coat. I am fast, direct and honest. Some things you may not want to hear, but that is to protect you and for growth. My intentions are true.

I will ask for your name, then ask if you want
My Ratings & Reviews
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