
How does this offer work?
The offer is simple: you pay $22.95 for 10 minutes of advice over the phone. You can choose any professional advisor listed in the service. The offer does not apply to advice obtained by "Arranging a Call" or "Appointment" with an advisor. After 14 days of your purchase, any unused minutes will expire.

What happens when my 10 minutes are up if I haven't finished my conversation?
Once you've used your 10 minutes, you'll be prompted to add money to your account in order to continue your conversation. You can continue your conversation at a per-minute rate of $2.29 and add any amount of money to your account that you feel you'll need to complete your call. Please note: if you wish to make another call at a later time after you've used up your $22.95 package, you'll need to purchase another package.

Can I make more than one call with this offer?
If you haven't used all 10 minutes, you can use them for future calls within 14 days of your purchase. Any unused minutes will expire after this 14 day period.

Are there any ways of paying for this offer other than credit card?
No. You must have a valid credit card in order to take advantage of this offer.

Can I use the $22.95 to pay for advice via email (Keen Mail)?
Sorry, this offer is only good for advice by phone. Keen Mail charges are set by each advisor based on the nature of the question.