Tuesday, February 11, 2025
You may be shaken to the core today by someone of great personal magnetism, Libra. Maybe you feel as if you're being overshadowed because of the grandiose ideas and mountains of information coming from this person. Perhaps you feel you're too slow. Did you ever think that someone is going too quickly? Don't automatically think that you're the one who needs to change gears.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Be more aggressive when it comes to your intentions in a romantic situation, Libra. It would be a great idea to impress your lover with a delicious home-cooked meal on a night like this. Put a bit more passion into the equation and relight the spark that might have recently gone out. Don't hesitate to be the instigator in love.
With an airy or indecisive nature, you're represented by a scale in the zodiac. Life and partnership tend to hang in a delicate balance, but you're driven by a desire to learn the limits. Often, you find those edges by provoking a reaction. Once you identify your own rules and others' limits, your romantic quest is to choose the best possibility love offers. The more you learn about yourself, the more you understand your attraction to a certain type of partner. Your personal astrologer can see beyond your current situation and understand you as an individual. With greater self-knowledge, your soulmate questions often answer themselves.
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