
How do I register?
Simply follow the instructions in the registration process, where we'll ask for your email address and invite you to choose a user name and password. If you've selected someone to talk to, we may ask you to provide further information such as your phone number in order to connect you.
On Keen, we'll give you free 3 minutes to get live or recorded advice from the advisor of your choice when you register with a valid credit card or Paypal account that's never been used on Keen before. After you've used your free 3 minutes, we'll ask you to provide a valid payment method. Your phone number will not be billed.
Why am I registering with Keen if I want to use Keen?
Keen is the company which provides the "live advice" technology which lets you talk to advisors on Keen.
What are the benefits of registering with Keen?
When you register with an email address and password you use on Keen, you'll have the convenience of using the same email address, user name and password to access your account on any website that is powered by Ingenio.
Is my personal information safe with Keen?
Always -- your privacy is very important to Keen. Because we call both you and the person you talk to when you're using Keen, your name, phone number and other personal information are never revealed. Keen is a licensee of TRUSTe, a third-party "watchdog" which audits our privacy practices to make sure that we meet the standards of TRUSTe's Privacy Program.
Moreover, Keen is now Powered by Ingenio, which uses secure socket layer (SSL) software, the industry standard for secure e-commerce transactions. SSL software encrypts all of your personal information, including your name, address and payment method information, so that the data cannot possibly be read as it travels over the Internet.
Learn more about our privacy policy.
Why do you need my phone number?
When you find someone you want to talk to and click their Call Button, we'll connect the two of you over the phone without disclosing either of your numbers.
Can I use Keen if I only have one phone line?
Yes, you can make and receive calls even if you use one line to go online and make phone calls.
Learn more about completing calls using one line.
Once I register, do I always have to sign in when I come to the site?
Yes. To protect the privacy of your account, we'll always ask you to sign in before accessing your personal information. However, you can browse our topic areas without signing in.
Note: If you're visiting another website that is powered by Ingenio, you may use your same email address and password to sign in, but you may be asked to review and accept the user agreement of that website.