Cancer Monthly Horoscope

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September Horoscope

Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on September 1, inviting you to innovate the way you connect with others over the

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Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on September 1, inviting you to innovate the way you connect with others over the next five months. Use this time to explore your friendships, hopes, and big-picture visions for your future. On the same day, Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn, increasing the intensity in your relationships. Discomfort might be a signal that change is ready to take place.

The Virgo new moon on the second offers new ideas, perspectives, and the opportunity to express yourself authentically. As you set your intentions and make a plan for your future, be sure to spend time with your thoughts and process them fully. Mars enters your sign on September 4, prompting you to take action in a way that honors your individuality and best interests. As you forge ahead, avoid burning bridges and cutting off important people.

Mercury enters Virgo on the ninth, activating your communication skills. The Pisces eclipse on September 17 awakens your zone of adventure, inspiring a new cycle of exploration and learning. While this energy is exciting, it can also be emotionally draining, so be mindful of overcommitting yourself.

When the sun enters air sign Libra on September 22, you’ll feel ready to cozy up with your loved ones and enjoy the comforts of your environment. With your zone of intuition activated, your emotions will be powerful. Venus enters Scorpio on the same day, and your creativity will skyrocket. If you crave more romance, initiate it. Mercury enters Libra on September 26, encouraging you to share your real feelings.

Good luck this month, Cancer!

Standout days: 4, 7, 29

Challenging days: 13, 17, 26 ↑ read less
Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on September 1, inviting you to innovate the way you connect with others over the next five months. Use this time to explore your friendships, hopes, and big-picture visions for your future. On the same day, Pluto retrograde enters Capricorn, increasing the intensity in your relationships. Discomfort might be a signal that change is ready to take place.

The Virgo new moon on the second offers new ideas, perspectives, and the opportunity to express yourself authentically. As you set your intentions and make a plan for your future, be sure to spend time with your thoughts and process them fully. Mars enters your sign on September 4, prompting you to take action in a way that honors your individuality and best interests. As you forge ahead, avoid burning bridges and cutting off important people.

Mercury enters Virgo on the ninth, activating your communication skills. The Pisces eclipse on September 17 awakens your zone of adventure, inspiring a new cycle of exploration and learning. While this energy is exciting, it can also be emotionally draining, so be mindful of overcommitting yourself.

When the sun enters air sign Libra on September 22, you’ll feel ready to cozy up with your loved ones and enjoy the comforts of your environment. With your zone of intuition activated, your emotions will be powerful. Venus enters Scorpio on the same day, and your creativity will skyrocket. If you crave more romance, initiate it. Mercury enters Libra on September 26, encouraging you to share your real feelings.

Good luck this month, Cancer!

Standout days: 4, 7, 29

Challenging days: 13, 17, 26
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