Keen Editorial Staff

Keen's Editorial Staff is made up of world-class writers, astrologers, psychics, and advisors with diverse experience and spiritual sensitivity.

attractive female face surrounded by blue aura

Everything You Need to Know About the Meaning Of a Blue Aura and Light Blue Personality Traits

Since the dawn of the universe, energy has existed. Energy can never be created or destroyed—so the energy that exists even now—within you—has been in existence since before the Bang Bang. The energy that exists now will be here when our universe ends and a new era—a new universe—begins. Energy is the singular thing that …

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man sitting in front of black aura moon

Everything You Need to Know About a Black Aura Meaning and What It Really Means

Everything has energy. The stars in the sky, the plants in the park, the animals in nature, and certainly people.  All living—and nonliving—things have energy. Energy is the sustenance of all things. Rocks, crystals, and gemstones have energy. Water, the weather, and the clouds have energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed—it is eternal. This …

Everything You Need to Know About a Black Aura Meaning and What It Really Means Read More »

red dragonfly symbolic and laying on white background

Everything You Need to Know About the Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning of a Red Dragonfly

The universe is vast, beautiful, and perfect in its intricate design. For thousands of years, people all over the world have read into signs, omens, symbols, and dreams. Symbolism has always carried spiritual meaning to people worldwide. Over time, many of these have been found to resonate similar meanings and the fascinating thing is when …

Everything You Need to Know About the Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning of a Red Dragonfly Read More »

pisces spirit animal of a wolf and fish underwater

Everything You Need to Know About the Pisces Spirit Animal and Pisces Zodiac Sign

Astrology has been around for thousands of years and is once again more popular than ever! Since ancient times, mankind sought to better understand the world in which they lived, but also themselves. By charting the patterns in the sky above, people began to see that the movement of the stars reflected major situations and …

Everything You Need to Know About the Pisces Spirit Animal and Pisces Zodiac Sign Read More »

diamond birthstone in ground

Everything You Need to Know About the April Diamond Birthstone Meaning

Gemstones and crystals have been greatly desired for thousands of years. They have had many uses, ranging from ornamentation, jewelry, spiritual tools, décor, and beyond. Gemstones and crystals have often had very specific meanings associated with them, ranging from celestial correspondences to spiritual ones. Some associations of these minerals were to elements, zodiac signs, spirits, …

Everything You Need to Know About the April Diamond Birthstone Meaning Read More »

AI-generated image showcasing a person observing a butterfly mid-flight within a vibrant garden, viewed from behind amidst a floral setting under a sunny sky.

What Does It Mean When You See a Butterfly?

Embark on a transformative journey as we delve into the enchanting world of butterfly symbolism. Have you ever pondered the deeper meanings behind encountering a butterfly during pivotal moments in your life? With their graceful flight and vibrant hues, butterflies carry profound spiritual significance, symbolizing themes of transformation, renewal, and the ephemeral nature of existence. …

What Does It Mean When You See a Butterfly? Read More »

colorful butterfly tattoo meanings on arm

Exploring the Butterfly Tattoo meaning

Over the years, butterfly tattoos have gained rising popularity – but why are so many people choosing to get these types of tattoos? Is it just a fade or trend? Or do these tattoos actually hold a deeper meaning beyond their aesthetic appeal. We’ll explore the symbolism behind butterfly tattoos and the different meanings they …

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A woman wearing aquamarine birthstone jewelry

Unveiling the Mystique: Aquamarine, March’s Radiant Birthstone

Birthstones hold a special place in our hearts because they remind us of the blessed day we entered into life. They are not just exquisite jewels but encapsulate stories, traditions, and even mystic energies. March, with its whimsical transition from winter to spring, is adorned with the resplendent aquamarine as its birthstone, a gem that …

Unveiling the Mystique: Aquamarine, March’s Radiant Birthstone Read More »

A telescope looking at a Venus conjunct Uranus synastry in the sky

Understanding the Astrological Event: Venus Conjunct Uranus Synastry

Welcome, cosmic wanderers, to the celestial dance floor where the planets twirl and spin, orchestrating a symphony that shapes your destiny. In this enchanting cosmic ballet, Venus and Uranus take center stage, weaving a tale of love, revolution, and the electrifying fusion of energies. Join us as we unravel the astrological significance of these celestial …

Understanding the Astrological Event: Venus Conjunct Uranus Synastry Read More »

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