Personalized Advisor Recommendations

female top psychic advisor reading

Exclusively for our most loyal customers

With Keen, you have access to over 1,800 vetted, best-in-class Advisors. But we know you can’t search all of them. That’s why we’ve hand selected a group based on 3 things: positive customer reviews, experience with Keen, and a proven track record of providing top service to our valued customers. Don’t wait to connect with these top Keen Advisors and get the clarity you need.

Advisor Neal

Are you looking for a man’s perspective? I’m a talented intuitive who is quick and to the point. I’m honest with my readings, and I hope you’re honest and open to receiving my guidance.

Advisor Suzan

I have 30 years experience (15 years on Keen) helping people find the answers they need in Love, Career, Money & Spiritual Guidance. With Clairvoyance and Empathic abilities I can give you clear, straight and honest answers!

Eli Casey

I am a gifted empath rated 1 or 2 for 20 years with over 79,000 (5.0) Reviews! Relationships, Finance, Spiritual Growth: Clairsentient, Good Listener Nonjudgmental..Let’s talk about YOU!!!

Jeanne Clock

Is he/she your life partner or should you set them free? I receive insight from the highest realm. LGBTQ+ inclusive Featured on CBS radio. Reviewed on Mystic Mag and Economic Times Ext.01600

Jay Lassiter

Are you tired of wrestling with life’s unanswered questions? Discover the truth! I have over 30 years experience in discerning matters of the heart and mind. Allow me to bring clarity to life’s most puzzling circumstances!


5* READER on KEEN since 2001 with many repeat callers. Mind-blowing accuracy with details on all LOVE and LIFE questions. Ext. 46342


My work has been to give clients peace of mind. Through the years, I have seen clients get engaged, get married, have break ups. I was with them to make predictions and help guide them. Allow me to help you with my gifts.


Hello Keen Clients! Quick, friendly, fun, and Accurate! Over 90,000 Readings here on Keen! Love, Marriage, Finance and Your Well Being! I’m here to serve your every need! Detailed w/Real understanding, love and compassion!


I believe that even if we have to say, this isn’t the right path, we can find the positive way. Fun and exciting to find out where our choices are headed. Call tonight! You might be surprised. My blog is Deb’s Dream.


World Renowned Celebrity Psychic. Get answers you can rely on, from a male’s perspective. 99.8% Accurate

Tarot With Jane

80000 readings/trusted advisor-intentions-feelings- love exp- Angel -Spirit Messenger-Predictions. LGBTQ. No judgment-gifted -life path-answers -19k reviews-work/career 16 yrs. Keen. Details, answers, clarity. Call me!


Psychic Readings by Shoushan Extension 1000

Readings by Kelly777

Psychic, Tarot, Pastlife, Soulmate


Arriana Fox is an experienced Tarot reader, caring and compassionate, I tell it as it is, truthful answers to your important questions. I care which is why I give truthful responses to life’s often difficult questions.

Divine Light Readings by Val

What are they thinking? Why are they distant? Are they coming back? Where is this going? 15+ years on Keen. Honest & Direct Accurate Predictions. NO TOOLS NEEDED! Remote View. Detailed Timelines. Love & Relationship Expert.

Regina Jacks

I am a clairvoyant psychic with 42 years experience, fourth generation. I will give you real and honest answers for all love questions, finance, and family matters.

Laurel Albright

Accurate timelines, genuine readings, honest predictions, detailed insights, and helpful advice. Fast connection ensures you receive the guidance you need. Let me provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.


Here at Keen since 2008 with nearly all FIVE STARS with a score of over 21,000! Formerly TOP 5 Reader at California Psychics! Advice columnist and national radio show host for over 30 years, since 1982. Call!


Psychic clarity on love and all areas of your life, 7 days a week, almost anytime by appointment!

Elle Martin

Don’t tell me! I’ll tell you why you have called! All I need is you’re name and D.O.B. Not Knowing can be tormenting! I have your answers! Take control of your future! A Five Star Top Keen Psychic!!

AskMaria Now

I can answer any concerns you may have with your relationships, career, and the “why” of all heart matters. Over 10000 FIVE-STAR RATINGS!


I offer clear validating truth to empower you with care on what s/he thinks, feels and plans. Specializing in soulmates, marriages, breakups & manifesting LOVE. Beverly Hills self-help author. No tools. Allow me to help you.


I have 53 years as a tarot reader, I am a born Psychic and have been giving Keen readings for 19 years. I have given over 117,000 Keen readings. I am accurate, won’t waste your time, and will be honest and forthright.


Harvard trained psychic medium and energy expert ~ align your vibe to desired outcomes ~ 15 years on Keen ~ NAMASTE ~

Mystical Marie

I am a no-nonsense reader that will guide you to your best outcome! Call now and hear the truth. Love, Job, Life Path. I am here to help you!

Anastasia Christine

Anastasia Christine is a clairvoyant, empath, energy (chakra) reader and had an NDE (near death experience). She also communicates with angels and guides – just ask!

Dr Lisa Powerful Insights

Love Expert. Reads hearts and minds. Ph.D. Psychic/Psychologist. Attract REAL LOVE. Formerly syndicated on radio/TV. Fast, Honest, Compassionate. Author of Beyond the Secret (on LOA) & 12 books. Check Out My Keen Courses


We all have a path set out by a higher presence. My abilities to connect with people have helped many lost souls find their destiny in life.

Miss Marla

I do my best to give my clients the Truth even though it is hard to hear sometimes, I focus every session on Your Life and Choices. Let me tell you what you need to Know. Knowledge gives you Power!!! Call!

Gabriel the Messenger

Will my lover return? I will tell you the truth!

Dawn Maree DeJaVu

Even though this listing is new, I am not new to giving Psychic/Medium Readings, and I am not new to Keen. I’ve been with Keen since 2010, managing to give over 25,000 readings, and keep a five star rating.


One of Keen’s rising Advisors delivering clarity with honesty and accuracy. When you want to know what to do…when you want to find out if they are coming back…when you want to know if they are being faithful…ask now.

Love Nurse 7

95% Accuracy! NO TOOLS USED! I use my spiritual gifts of Clairvoyance and Clairaudient along with the guidance of God and the Angelic Guides to reveal the known and the unknown.

Ask Grace

Want to know INTENTIONS, SOLUTIONS, OUTCOMES?** See into the MIND and HEART of anyone. ROMANCE LOVE CAREER MONEY. Info from SPIRIT GUIDES + ANGELS! Worth TWICE THE PRICE. 48Yrs.Exp. PhD/Spiritual Counseling


FAST AND ACCURATE READINGS…….. Relationships and love are never easy and need a lot of work. I can help you by using my psychic, clairaudient abilities.


I’m a Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Dream Interpreter, and a Remote Viewer, Jobs or money issues. Anything you need to know about your loved ones and others, The finding of missing people or lost items.


I’m a very loyal Psychic, who cares for her clients. I’m easy going and not afraid to tell you the truth, give me a chance to talk and I can possibly become your next well-known friend.

Manifest Love with Lynn

30 YEARS experience in manifesting love via divine guidance! Let me help YOU take control of your destiny and step into a life you deserve that’s filled with love, peace, and joy! SEE MY AVAILABILITY under Approach to Topics.

Future Predictor Elisa

Most sought after Clairvoyant is available EXCLUSIVELY thru Keen- 40 yrs. exp. MASTER psychic on Keen since 2002. Core Energy mapper/reader-Andean tradition


I have been doing readings for more than 20 years now, and I have assisted many of my customers with my gifted ability to read them & serve their most essential questions. Specializing in love and relationships I see all.

Michelle Caporale

My Spiritual abilities include Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychic energy, Channeling, Energy healing, Aura Readings. I’ve earned my Bachelor’s. My goal is to give you clear answers and a pathway to help you.


Psychic to the stars, I’m caring,accurate and empowering. I am here to show you the path ahead, but more importantly what to do while on it to get the outcome you are seeking.


*****Reads your energy to open up your world***** Feeling alone, confused and or just need answers? I’ll lead you through the darkness, into the light and onto the right path, based on your particular set of circumstances.

Intuitive Guidance with LC

Accurate, compassionate, and fast! Specializing in matters of the heart. Also very good with financial/ career questions.

Psychic Sole Samantha

Looking for love or your true love? Let’s take a look at your love life.

Psychic Guidance

Hi, I have this psychic ability since I was in my teens. I dream things that happen, I can feel a place or someone when something is not right. I began doing readings for my friends and they come back telling me things I said happened. If you have questions, doubts about your relationship or inquire about anything I will be glad to answer and help you. Thank you. For entertaining purposes only.

Queen of Cups18

If it’s to be – it’s up to you. Choice is the greatest gift and burden.

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