Your Ultimate Guide to New Moon Rituals

new moon ritual burning sage with candles

Tonight. Every night. Go outside at least once and look up to the sky. What do you see? If the heavens are not veiled by clouds, you will likely witness the same ever-changing sky that humanity has peered out into since the dawn of mankind. Not only is our sky a tapestry of brilliant and beautiful stars, but we are blessed with the incredible majesty of a beautiful moon. No matter where you are on Earth, the moon will always make her presence known. In the coming article, you will learn how to manifest with the moon—especially with new moon rituals. Be sure to also book a session with one of our manifestation specialists, psychics, or astrologers to also learn how to work with the new moon specifically!

How does the moon affect us?

No matter where you are located on Earth, no matter what you believe spiritually, it is hard to deny that the moon affects everything that happens on our planet. The moon’s gravitational pull is most notably reflected in its power to affect water on Earth, as can be seen by the tides. However, the moon affects much more than that, as science has documented for hundreds of years. But beyond this, people since ancient times recognized that the moon and her cycles brought major changes to our lives and used important rituals and ceremonies tied to these periods. Animals tend to react to the moon’s presence, too—think of wolves howling in the night, lions hunting in the dessert, and insects that sing orchestras just to find a mate. Are we any different than them, really? Human beings are also animals and we are also composed of nearly 70% water. Depending on the moon cycle, people everywhere may act more relaxed and harmonious or even more chaotic, impulsive, and intense! Biological women may even menstruate with the lunar cycle, too.

What are the main stages in the lunar cycle?

The moon is the fastest moving celestial object in our sky. Throughout her lunar cycle, which lasts roughly 29.5 days, the moon passes through eight individual stages. Each one carries a slightly different energetic frequency and can be used to time your actions as well as manifest.

The eight stages of the lunar cycle are the new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent.

What is a new moon and how often do they occur?

A new moon is the first stage of the lunar cycle. It always occurs when the moon is at its darkest phase. This marks the beginning of the lunar cycle’s 29.5 day period. We have twelve to thirteen new moons every single year.

What is a ritual?

Rituals and ceremonies have been practiced by humanity since the dawn of civilization. Cultures throughout the world have created their own rituals and customs that reflected their perception of their place in the cosmos, as well as in relation to nature and spirituality. Many religions have used rituals to honor their traditions. For instance, a marriage ceremony is a ritual.

In modern times, we still use rituals to honor our connection to something—whether that’s to spirituality, another person, or even ourselves. These can be practiced at any time, unless specifically timed to a lunar phase.

What is a new moon ritual?

A new moon ritual is a ritual or ceremony that takes place on a new moon or in the several days following it. Typically, a new moon ritual will take place within five to seven days after a new moon arrives. It is always advised to initiate a new moon ritual after it officially occurs.

What is a full moon ritual? Are full moon rituals better than new moon rituals?

Full moon rituals exist, too! These ceremonies take place in the three to four days leading up to a full moon or the three to four days that follow it. Just like the moon’s gravitational pull is stronger on a full moon, these rituals tend to carry greater strength and bring faster results.

How do you manifest with a new moon ritual?

Manifesting with a new moon ritual can be easy! Any spiritual tradition or religious background can practice them, as well, as you are able to connect to whatever power or belief that you follow. For instance, some people may choose to call in gods, deities, or nature spirits, while other people may choose to pray to angels, saints, or beyond.

New moon rituals are excellent for planting seeds and building toward new beginnings. Above all, think of the new moon as a door that opens to you from the universe and your desires are the booster rocket to get you there! New moons are perfect times to launch new habits, new plans, and new relationships. Harness the energy!

In order to create a new moon ritual, one must first choose the method of manifestation. For instance, there are many kinds of rituals one can choose from.

1. Prayer and intention setting

These rituals help you to hone in on your desires that you wish to bring to you.

2. Meditation and yoga

These rituals help you to find your center, balance yourself, and align with the universe.

3. Vision boards

These rituals help you to visualize what you’d like to build toward in the coming lunar cycle or year.

4. Candle rituals

These rituals help you to focus on a core desire and then light a candle to lift it literally and figuratively to the cosmos.

5. Sacred baths

By using essential oils or bath salts, one may relax in a bath while focusing their mind on the goals that they wish to manifest.

6. Cleansing rituals

Because the new moon is an excellent time to start fresh, using sage or palo santo to cleanse out your space or energy can be especially helpful.

How can I use the astrological energy of the zodiac in a new moon ritual?

As the moon travels through her entire lunar cycle, she visits all twelve of the zodiac signs. The zodiac sign of the new moon in each lunar cycle will always be the same one that the sun orbits in at that exact time. For instance, if the sun is in Aries, then the new moon will be in Aries. If the sun is in Taurus, the new moon at this time of the year will also be in Taurus. As mentioned previously, new moons and new moon rituals are excellent to use as a springboard to your new plans and objectives. This also means you can channel the energy of that zodiac sign especially well—even if it isn’t your zodiac sign! For instance, if you’re a Leo, and a new moon in Scorpio is coming up, you can still use that new moon to launch a Scorpio-themed ritual!

Here is our handy guide to what each zodiac new moon can be used for!

1. Aries: action, initiative, new ventures, conquest.

2. Taurus: money, growth, love, progress.

3. Gemini: communication, travel.

4. Cancer: family, domestic affairs.

5. Leo: art, recognition, fertility, romance.

6. Virgo: employment, physical health.

7. Libra: relationships, contracts.

8. Scorpio: sex, desire, rebirth, destruction.

9. Sagittarius: knowledge, wisdom, international affairs.

10. Capricorn: ambition, success, business.

11. Aquarius: friendships, innovation, freedom.

12. Pisces: spirituality, psychic abilities, healing.

What tools can you use for a new moon ritual?

Because rituals are extremely personal experiences, there is no right way or wrong way to create a new moon ritual. However some common tools people may use follow:

·      Tarot decks

·      Oracle decks

·      Pendulums

·      Vision boards

·      Candles

·      Journals

·      Incense

·      Sage

·      Palo santo

·      Art supplies

What are some new moon intentions and affirmations?

Any intention or affirmation can work for a new moon ritual! However, ones that are more focused on new beginnings, new plans, and new desires are often most effective. Some potential new moon intentions and affirmations to help you brainstorm are:

·      I am happier than ever before.

·      My life prospers and grows.

·      I will live in gratitude.

·      My health improves.

·      Bring me true love.

·      Heal my family.

·      I find inspiration everywhere.

·      Open all roads before me.

But remember: whatever you desire can be yours if you not only do a new moon ritual but also work toward it in the real world!

Can I hire someone to help me with a new moon ritual?

Here at we have some of the most respected and talented manifestation coaches, psychics, and astrologers. They would love to help guide you on your upcoming new moon rituals. Book one of our advisers today!

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