5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Psychic Reading

reflective woman with eyes closed

Whether you’re new to Keen or familiar with psychic readings, there are some great things that you can do to prepare and get the most out of your experience.

If you find yourself experiencing a lot of hit-or-miss readings, you may find yourself blaming your psychic. Contrary to popular belief, you’re a huge part of getting a successful reading.  Yes, the reading revolves around you, but the experience is dependent upon you as well. 

1. Get Prepared

This may seem like an odd tip, but it’s incredibly important. Preparing yourself before a reading is crucial to its overall success. In order for you to connect with a psychic, you need to be in a right frame of mind. This involves a little effort on your part (but is well worth it!).

Before you place the call to your advisor of choice, think about what questions you’re looking to have answered. Consider specifically what you want to learn, even write down your questions. Your advisor will tune into the energy around you and be able to help you explore your questions on a deeper level. 

2. Find Your Center

Another step in preparation, take a moment to clear your mind and really become present in the moment. A few minutes of meditation can make all the difference before a reading. Take some deep breaths and connect deeply with yourself. A great psychic is excellent at reading your energy, so finding your calm center will provide an even more powerful reading. Before you place your call, find a safe, quiet space for yourself so you won’t be disturbed. 

3. Listen Deeply – But Take Notes

Listening intently is a given, but don’t forget to take notes during your reading. This will help you in not only remembering what your psychic has shared with you after your reading, but play a big part in helping you reveal answers that you may have forgotten to ask. Writing things down will also help you if you need to ask for clarification about something in the future. 

4. Provide Feedback

When you make a good connection with your psychic advisor, it’s incredibly valuable to have an open-dialogue and share with them your feedback. If your psychic is focused heavily on a particular subject and you want to move on, don’t be afraid to inform them about. Politely let them know and move on.

When your reading is complete, don’t forget to thank your advisor and share with them any notes or additional feedback. It will be extremely useful for you both during your next connection.  

5. Keep an Open Mind

If it’s your first time speaking to a new advisor, or you’re unfamiliar with psychic readings altogether, always remember that the most important thing you can do is to keep an open mind. Finding a strong connection with a reader requires open energy on your part. Every advisor has different strengths, so one style may be different from a previous one you’re used to. Recognize that a successful reading starts with you. 

Keep in mind that when you call an advisor on Keen, the reading is all about you. By being present and taking an active role in the experience, you’ll find the strength of your connection will rise. So get prepared, find your center, and enjoy your next reading on Keen!

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