Six of Wands Reversed Tarot Card


The Six of Wands reversed often deals with success – or more specifically, a lack thereof. This failure may be the result of negligence or a specific problem; however, it may also simply be an unavoidable outcome that you cannot control. While you may be able to get things back on track with great effort, in many cases, it may be time to accept things for what they are and move on to other opportunities. If you’ve seen the Six of Wands reversed recently appear in your online tarot card reading from Keen, here are a few of the possible interpretations to consider.

Self Doubt

The reversed Six of Wands may appear at a time where you are really doubting yourself. You are feeling apprehensive about your own abilities and chances at success. It might seem as though you have let everyone down – including yourself. In order to overcome these negative feelings about yourself, you should lean on those around you. Their support and recognition can help you find the strength to carry on and believe in yourself once again.

A Disappointing Result

Things unfortunately don’t always go according to plan. You may have recently received negative feedback recently regarding something you’ve been working on. Or maybe you’ve done something you are proud of, but it just doesn’t seem to all that interesting or noteworthy to everyone else. This is enough to damage the confidence of even the most self assured people – especially if it seems that your reputation may be at stake. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses. Accept that things went differently than you hoped and move on to something better. You can’t fix what is irreparably broken, but you can find the success you seek at something entirely new.

Over Committed

There is almost always more to do than there are hours in the day. The Six of Wands reversed may be a sign that you’re spreading yourself too thin right now. You are struggling to juggle all of your commitments and responsibilities. If you want to ensure that things are done right, you’ll have to pick a few things to focus your full attention on. While it may be hard to let the rest go, you will be rewarded with an increase of motivation and inspiration with your chosen commitments.

Fleeting Success

The reversed Six of Wands may also serve as a reminder that success is a fleeting thing. There’s nothing quite like the feeling you get when you accomplish something great. But unfortunately, these highs can’t last forever. Hard work is a requirement if you want to sustain your current position.


Success is a great feeling – but when you let it go to your head, you might be setting yourself up for trouble. Your overconfidence will soon lead to a fall from grace. Your ego will take a big blow and your reputation is likely to suffer as well. In order to avoid this, remember to stay humble in light of your successes. There is always more to do in order to keep moving forward. Your self control will likely gain your respect from those around you.

Misguided Optimism

You’ve gotten caught up in your emotions, which has lead to you feeling overly optimistic regarding your outlook. A positive attitude can have a big impact, but it will not create a miracle if your optimism is not rooted in the realities of your situation.

Struggling at Work

Right now, you are really struggling with your job. This may refer to a failed project. Or you may have missed out on a big promotion that you’ve had your eye on. The Six of Wands reversed can also indicate bad news regarding a job opportunity or the loss of a job entirely. You need to get to the root of the problem in order to address it and move forward.

Your struggles may be caused by a lack of confidence. These fears are exposing your weaknesses and holding you back from some good opportunities. Or you may be suffering from the consequences of overselling yourself in the past and being unable to follow through.

Following the Crowd

The Six of Wands reversed can represent your tendency to follow the lead of others. Instead of using your own judgement, you rely too heavily on the thoughts and opinions of others. This may be a strategy to avoid taking responsibility. When something does go wrong, you can direct the blame at whoever you were following. It’s time to make your own decisions. Many negative outcomes can result from mindlessly following the crowd.

Unbalanced Relationship

If the Six of Wands appears reversed in a relationship reading, it is usually referencing an imbalance in the relationship. This can present itself in many different ways. For example, it could be in reference to one or both partners giving priority to their career over the relationship. Or it may concern an unhealthy competition between you. While pushing each other to do better can be a good thing, it can quickly turn into a problem if you’re always trying to “one up” one another. The Six of Wands reversed can also indicate that one partner has taken dominance in the relationship. While this may work out for some couples, in this case, it is not a favorable situation.

A Struggling Relationship

Your relationship has suffered due to a conflict, which has likely resulted in a loss of trust in your partner. Although you may have put a lot into trying to repair the relationship, it is still struggling. Good intentions are not enough on their own – it’s going to take action in order for this struggling relationship to stand a chance at survival. Without great effort, this relationship will continue to struggle and eventually fail completely.


The Six of Wands reversed can represent secrecy and deceit in a relationship. One partner has been unfaithful or hidden something major from the other – and these lies are starting to come to light. These upsetting revelations are likely to tear the relationship apart altogether.

If you’re struggling to find success in life right now, an online tarot card reading can help illuminate what is going on. Connect today with one of Keen’s psychic advisors to learn what the cards have to say about your past, present, and future. Our tarot card readers are available to assist you anytime – day or night. You can easily connect by phone, chat, or email whenever you need clarity and insight into your life.

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