Featured Listings Put your listing in the #1 spot in your topic!
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See My Results
My Results
My Results


My Results is available through your My Account page and gives you detailed information regarding your featured listings. For each listing you can see detailed results related to:
  • Overview Page: Review your Featured Listings transactions, earnings, and costs
  • Listings Page: Roll-up of historical data for each featured listing's results
  • Value Score Page: Review current performance for each featured listing as it relates to Listing Value Score.
  • Bids Page: Review bid history as it relates to max bid, charged amounts and bid statuses
  • Clicks Page: Review all clicks; which customers generated them and when; and whether or not they led to paid transactions or were charged.
  • Transactions Page: Review all paid transactions as a roll-up or broken down by Recorded, Live, and Mail for the timeframe you choose resulting from Featured Listings clicks.
  • Featured Listings Customers Page: Review and analyze historical data for each customer acquired through Featured Listings and their paid transactions with you.
Overview Page
You have the capability to review a summary of all your account's performance in Featured Listings year to date or you can drill down to review each listing separately for a specific time period.
Once you've selected the data you wish to review, the resulting table will tell you:

  • Total Clicks - All "clicks" your Featured Listing(s) has produced for time period selected.
  • Qualified Clicks - The count of qualified clicks your Featured Listing(s) has produced for time period selected.
  • Transactions from Featured Listings - The count of paid calls and mails that resulted from qualified clicks.
  • Earnings from Qualified Clicks - Money earned from transactions directly resulting from qualified clicks.
  • Total Earnings from Featured Listings - Total money earned from clicks and all customers acquired from this Featured Listing.
  • Total FL Earnings per Qualified Click - The money earned, on average, per qualified click from Featured Listings.
  • Total Costs from Qualified Clicks - Total cost of featuring the selected listing(s).
  • Cost per Qualified Click - The average cost per qualified click to feature this listing.
Go to your Overview Page now by clicking here.

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Listings Page
The My Results - Listings Page gives you detailed information on the performance of each listing in the Featured Listing Program.
Once you've selected the time period you wish to review, the resulting table will tell you:

Current data for each Listing (columns highlighted in blue):
  • Title - This is the title of each listing you have created. Hover the mouse over the title to see the full description. Each column adjacent to the Title will tell you the performance of that listing in featured listings results.
  • Your Current Max Bid - This is the current maximum bid you've placed for that listing.
  • Your Current Position - This is the current position for that listing in its particular featured category if it were available. Your Featured Listing positions may change as Listing Value Scores, bids and availability changes.
  • Your Bid To Be #1 - This is the minimum amount you must bid to be in the #1 position. You can always set Your Maximum Bid higher than this amount and Auto-Bidding will only charge you one penny more than is required to rank you higher than the listing below you.
Historical Data for each Listing (columns highlighted in gray):
  • Earnings from Clicks - Money earned from transactions directly resulting from qualified clicks.
  • Total Clicks - The total clicks this listing has received in Featured Listings.
  • Qualified Clicks - The total qualified clicks this listing has received in Featured Listings.
  • FL Charge Amt - The total amount charged for featuring this listing.
  • Avg Click Charge - The average qualified click charge for this listing.
Export to Excel - When you see this link on the page, you have the functionality to export the data to excel. This is useful as you can take analysis a step further in order to understand your performance and maximize your return on investment.

Go to your Listings Page now by clicking here.

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Value Score Page
The My Results � Value Score Page gives you detailed information on the performance of each Listing as it relates to its Listing Value Score.
When viewing the Value Score report, the table tells you the following:
  • Title - This is the title of each listing you have created. Hover the mouse over the title to see the full description.
  • Max Bid - The amount of money you set as the highest amount you are willing to pay for each qualified click when this listing is Featured.
  • Click Rate � This is a measure of how well a listing generates Qualified Clicks when displayed in Featured Listings. More shaded bars indicate better performance as compared to competing listings.
  • Purchase Rate - This is a measure of how well a listing generates paid transactions when displayed in Featured Listings. More shaded bars indicate better performance as compared to competing listings.
  • Customer Value - This is a measure of how well an advisor maximizes the value of each of their customer relationships as compared with their competitors. Customer Value measures several factors including repeat purchases and all paid transactions (calls and mails) for the advisor's particular listing, and takes into consideration all repeat purchases and paid transactions regardless of where the purchases occur (Groups, Top Available, Highest Rated, Featured Listings, etc) for the listing. More shaded bars indicate better performance as compared to competing listings.
  • Top Cat Rank � Indicates the listing�s overall rank within its top category. Featured Listing positions may change as bids and availability of competing listings change.
  • Sub Cat Rank - Indicates the listing�s rank within its most specific sub-category. Featured Listing positions may change as bids and availability of competing listings change.
  • In Evaluation � As seen within the table�s results, this indicates a listing hasn�t met the minimum amount of activity to assign a score for that particular Listing Value Score component. While in this state, a default score may be assigned to the metric.
Please note: Competing Listings are defined as other listings or accounts that appear on the same site as your listing. If your account contains listings that appear on multiple sites, then you may notice relative performance variations due to differences in the competing listings and/or differing performance of listings on other sites operated by Keen.

To learn more about how you can improve your Listing Value Scores, please visit the FAQ.

Go to your Value Score Page now by clicking here.

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Bids Page
The My Results - Bids Page gives you detailed information on the performance of each Featured Listings bid that you've placed.
Once you've selected the criteria (listings, type of bids and time period) for reviewing My Results - Bids Page, the resulting table will tell you:
  • Bid ID - Each bid has a unique Bid ID #. You can only have 1 active Bid ID per Featured Listing.
  • Listing Title - The title of the listing for which you placed this specific bid.
  • Max Bid - The amount of money you set as the highest amount you would be willing to pay for each qualified click for this Featured Listing.
  • Budget - This is the Budget you've set - the total amount (if any) that you decided you were willing to spend on clicks while featuring your listing.
  • Charged Amt - This is the amount you were charged, for clicks, overall for this specific bid.
  • Status - This column displays this specific bid's current status, which can be Active or Inactive.
  • Reason - This column displays the reason the Bid ID became inactive.
  • Created - This column displays the date and time for when a Bid ID was created.
  • Last Updated - The last time the status of this specific bid changed.
Export to Excel - When you see this link on the page, you have the functionality to export the data to excel. This is useful for storing your own records since there are limits on historical data e.g. details of Click Charges are only available for the last 90 days.

Go to your Bids Page now by clicking here.

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Clicks Page
The My Results - Clicks Page gives you detailed information for each time someone clicked on your Featured Listings.
Once you've selected the criteria (listings, type of clicks and time period) for reviewing My Results - Clicks Page, the resulting table will tell you:
  • Click ID - Each click has a unique Click ID # for tracking purposes.
  • Bid ID - The ID # for the bid that was active at the time of click. Clicking on the Bid ID # will show you detailed information for that bid. "No Bid" may be a result of your listing having a relatively high Listing Value Score without an active bid.
  • Listing Title - The title of the Featured Listing which received this click.
  • Click - The date and time that this specific click took place.
  • Click Qualified - The date/time the click was marked qualified. This may differ from the click date if the customer met the qualification criteria within the 24 hour window.
  • Charged Amount - How much you were charged for this specific click.
  • Max Bid - The max bid for this Featured Listing at the time that you received this click.
  • Customer - This column gives information on who generated the click.
  • Transaction - This column links to the paid transaction resulting from the click.
Export to Excel - When you see this link on the page, you have the functionality to export the data to excel. This is useful for storing your own records since there are limits on historical data e.g. detailed Click results for Unqualified Click results are only available for the previous 15 days. Detailed Click results for Qualified Click results are only available for the previous 90 days.

Go to your Clicks Page now by clicking here.

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Transactions Page
The My Results - Transactions Page gives you detailed information on each paid transaction that takes place through any of your Featured Listings.
Once you've selected the criteria (listings, type of transactions and time period) for reviewing My Results - Transactions Page, the resulting table will tell you:
  • Transaction - Each paid transaction (call or mail) has a specific ID # tied to it. Clicking on the "Call" or "Mail" link will take you to the details page for that transaction. "Back to Featured Listings Results" allows you to easily get back to page you were viewing.
  • Date - The date this transaction took place.
  • Customer - This the member name of the customer tied to this transaction. Clicking on the member name will take you to the customer details page in My Customers which you can update notes and see other important customer information. "Back to Featured Listings Results" allows you to easily get back to page you were viewing.
  • Listing Title - The title of the listing associated to the paid transaction.
  • Earnings - This is how much you earned on this particular transaction.
  • FL Charge - This is how much you were charged if there's an associated charged click.
  • Why FL - Why this transaction qualifies as a Featured Listings transaction.
  • Click Id - This is the actual click that resulted in this transaction. Note: detailed Click results for Qualified Click results are only available for the previous 90 days.
  • Bid Id - This is the actual bid that resulted in this transaction. Detailed Bid results are only available for the last 12 months.
Export to Excel - When you see this link on the page, you have the functionality to export the data to excel. This is useful for storing your own records since there are limits on historical data e.g. detailed Click results for Qualified Click results are only available for the previous 90 days. Detailed Bid results are only available for the last 12 months.

Go to your Transactions Page now by clicking here.

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Featured Listing Acquired Customers Page
The My Results - Featured Listing Acquired Customers Page gives you detailed information on each customer's transaction history that has been acquired through Featured Listings. Note: transactions from customers acquired outside of Featured Listings will not be included here e.g. Groups, Top Available and Highest Rated sorts, external call buttons on your sites, etc.
Once you've selected the time period for reviewing My Results - Customers Page, the resulting table will tell you:
  • Customer - This is the member name of the customers you have acquired through Featured Listings.
  • Total Earnings - These are the total earnings of those customers in selected time period.
  • Total FL Charges - Click charges in selected time period. You're only charged if the customer is lapsed.
  • Phone Icon - The total number of paid calls this customer has placed to your listings in the time period selected.
  • Head Phone Icon - The total number of paid recorded calls this customer has purchased from your listings in the time period selected.
  • Mail Icon - The total number of paid mails from this customer in the time period selected.
Export to Excel - When you see this link on the page, you have the functionality to export the data to excel. This is useful as you can take analysis a step further in order to understand your performance and maximize your return on investment.

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