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Understand the Featured Listings Program
Quality Matters
Analyze Results and Focus on ROI

Understand the Featured Listings Program
The Featured Listings program lets you bid to promote your listing in top spots in your listing category on Keen and 1-800-ASK-KEEN, increasing your opportunities to reach highly qualified potential customers who seek the services you offer.

You only pay for Qualified Clicks on your listing from potential customers who have registered with valid payment information (e.g. a valid credit card or debit card) and only when you're available to take calls.

We keep Featured Listings management simple for you with Auto-Ranking and Auto-Bidding. Once your listing is available to take calls, our Auto-Ranking system will automatically place it in the highest possible spot on the page in your listing category in relation to other featured listings based on your Maximum Bid amount. Keep in mind that your listing's rank can change in relation to other listings as the Maximum Bid amounts and availability of those other listings change.

Featured Listings are also ranked in relation to one another. This ranking is based on a combination of a particular listing's Maximum Bid amount and its Listing Value Score (LVS) in relation to the Maximum Bid amounts and LVS of other listings in that category on Keen. You may think of a listing's Maximum Bid amount combined with its LVS as its total combined score, and this is what will determine a listings rank in Featured Listings. The listing with the highest total combined score in a category will achieve the highest rank in Featured Listings for that category; the next highest score will achieve the next highest ranking; and so on.

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Quality Matters
We assign a Listing Value Score to all listings because we think that the ranking of Featured Listings should reflect quality service and customer satisfaction in addition to Maximum Bid. LVS is derived from a combination of factors that we believe best represents a reasonable measure of listing quality and customer satisfaction including:

Listing presentation: At what rate do customers click-through a particular listing in relation to other listings in the category? Price, photos, listing titles, and ratings may all contribute to listing presentation.

Purchase Rate: At what rate do customers purchase (call or mail) from a particular listing in relation to other listings in the category? Listings that are designed well, priced right, load quickly and use a strong call to action in relation to other listings may see a higher purchase rate. Keep in mind that your Featured Listing can also be found by customers who browse voice greetings over the phone so be sure to produce a high-quality voice greeting.

Customer relationships and retention: At what rate do customers make repeat purchases from a particular advisor in relation to other advisors in the category? Providing professional high quality service, using Free Minutes and analyzing your results can lead to better customer relationships and retention.

A particular listing's score is not fixed and may change regularly based on recent results so we encourage you to take steps to improve your business practices in an effort to maximize your results from Featured Listings.

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Analyze Results and Focus on ROI
Analyze Results
Use My Results to better understand how to maximize your results from Featured Listings. My Results will let you know how many Qualified Clicks actually convert into paid transactions and Featured Listings Customers. As you observe and monitor your Listings' Results over time, you might notice things that are working especially well (or not so well). If you find customers aren't responding to changes you've made to a particular listing, edit and try something else. Understanding the effects the changes you make on your listings ultimately comes down to testing, reviewing and analyzing.

Return on Investment (ROI)
How much do you spend to acquire a customer through Featured Listings? Do you expect to achieve a positive ROI on Featured Listings after one call? Or do you focus on repeat customers to achieve positive ROI? Understanding the return on investment (ROI) is important for any advertiser. It's no different with Featured Listings. With My Results you can easily calculate your ROI. On the initial Overview page you'll see your Suggested Maximum Bid, which is calculated based on your Featured Listing's prior performance. Your Suggested Maximum Bid is a bid amount that may bring you the most new customers while generating a return on your Featured Listings investment. It is calculated by dividing your Total Earnings for Featured Listings by the number of charged clicks your Featured Listing has generated.

You can always bid less or more than the Suggested Maximum Bid, and we highly recommend that you carefully analyze your results to determine the Maximum Bid amount that generates the best results for you.

Export your data to Excel and take analysis a step further in order to understand your performance and maximize your return on investment.

Learn more about Featured Listings in the Frequently Asked Questions.

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