What Information Do I Need to Give My Psychic Reader During a Reading?

FAQ - Information givenCongratulations, you’ve made the choice to get a reading, and hopefully you’ve taken some time to prepare. Now you may be wondering what kind of information to give to your psychic during the reading.

If an advisor needs to have specific data—such as birth info—they may ask for that ahead of time or at the beginning of the reading. I’ve made the following checklist of the types of things it may be helpful for a reader to know during your reading.

  • Birth data: If your advisor is using astrology or reading Akashic records, they most likely will need to know at least your date and place of birth. You may need to know the time, too, and if you haven’t ever needed that information before, know that it may take a bit of doing to find. You can start with asking your parents, and sometimes birth certificates or hospitals will have your time of birth.

  • Your questions: This may seem obvious, but it’s good to be clear about what you want to know. Don’t think that your psychic will guess what is on your mind—this is not the best use of your time. Make a clear list of your questions, arranged by order of importance, so that you can do your part to keep the reading useful and on track for you. Be upfront, and tell your reader all the areas you want to focus on.

  • Your fears: I find it very helpful to know what my clients are really afraid of—including what they’re afraid I’m going to tell them! For example, often clients want to know about an ex-lover, boyfriend, or spouse. Perhaps they’re in the middle of a breakup or separation. They may want to know if that person will come back, but they may also be afraid to hear a certain answer. If I know what their fears are, I can be more sensitive in relating that information to them should I receive it.

  • Your wisdom/intuition: You have a lot of valuable information from your own experience and intuitive knowing. Don’t keep this from your reader. A reading is a co-created experience, and I’d rather discuss issues with my clients than have them listen in complete silence.

A psychic reading is a shared and, as I mentioned, a co-created experience. New clients, especially if they’ve never had any kind of reading, may think they shouldn’t share anything so they can prove the psychic is “real.” Though you can take this road, I think it’s a waste of valuable reading time and your money. Many psychics don’t actually receive information about your dead childhood pets, the initials of your first boyfriend, or what your computer password is. This doesn’t mean they won’t have valuable information to share with you or won’t give accurate guidance.

During the reading, it’s likely that there will be an interplay of the psychic asking you questions and then relating the information they receive. The more you participate in the reading, the better your advisor can tune his or her “antenna” to get information that is relevant to you. There is a lot of data floating around out there, and not all of it is helpful at the time of your reading.

Know too, that you won’t always get the answers you want or perhaps even won’t get answers at all about a specific topic. Sometimes it isn’t in your highest good for you to know the outcome of a situation.

For relationship questions or any question that involves the free will of another person, realize that it is hard to get definitive answers. Because you and the other person are making free will choices at every moment, what a psychic sees as likely today may change tomorrow if either you or the other person goes in a new direction.

For example, I had a reading once where the psychic told me that a relationship with an ex would likely resolve into a second chance. I left that reading feeling great and had a whim to take the afternoon off work and go to the beach. On the beach, I met a man, quite randomly, and we ended up having dinner together and then dating for 3 years! I never got back together with my ex, though he did try to connect with me a few times, and now that I’m happily partnered, I can’t imagine wanting to be with him.

So was my psychic wrong? No—I didn’t ask her about new relationships, just about my ex. And, she saw a possible future, one that I was definitely considering, and because I felt positive after the reading, I was open and responding to my own intuition, and so I chose to go to the beach. But free will is always available, and the choices we make can shift the future.

We never know how the information we receive from a psychic will affect our life. Go to your reading with a spirit of openness, empowerment, and preparation. Participate, share, and trust that you will receive the guidance that is in your highest good at the time.

Are you curious about a psychic reading? Keen has a great roster of experienced, talented psychics. Call an advisor today!

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