Love & Relationship FAQs

Love can be blissful and long-lasting or traumatic and short-lived. Since there’s no one-size-fits-all relationship, it can also be incredibly confusing and at times, downright heart-wrenching – the fact that almost everyone goes through a heartbreak at least once in their lives doesn’t exactly make things any easier. Perhaps this is why love and relationship readings are one of the most popular requests psychics receive.

Since knowledge is power, the best way you can get over a relationship, strengthen the one you have, or find the love of your life is to be open to receiving some honest yet non-judgemental advice from a love psychic – to include the keys to a successful relationship. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular questions asked during a session, keeping in mind that the guidance may differ slightly depending on your individual situation.

  1. You wake up and go to sleep thinking about certain someone, but is the feeling mutual? Well, guess what? A psychic love reader isn’t always going to be able to confirm whether or not someone is “thinking about you,” or if they are “the one” because healthy relationships are about more than just energy vibrations between people. What an advisor will do is help you abandon any fears or roadblocks so that you can work on manifesting love from a healthy place. After that, the best way to find love is to stop looking and let it find you.
  2. If you’ve ever wondered “what is a soulmate connection,” then you should familiarize yourself with the law of attraction? When it comes to finding your soulmate, like attracts like – but you have to ditch doubt because negative energy will prevent you from finding the partner you desire. The most important thing to remember is that you need to learn to love yourself before loving someone else. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should someone else? This goes hand-in-hand with not waiting to find love to start living your best life. There are actually energy vibrations between people, so if you’re lazy and uninspired by everything, that’s the type of person you’ll meet. By keeping up with your hobbies and interests, you’ll be more stand out amongst the crowd and form healthy relationships with others.
  3. They say time heals all wounds, but there are several other actions you can take to help heal your heart when you’re going through a breakup. These efforts will help you get through the daily grind without letting other relationships and commitments (like a job and your health, for example) go to the wayside. For example, don’t succumb to social pressures and allow yourself plenty of “me time.” Avoid a careless rebound relationship and instead, learn how to enjoy spending time alone – it’s the ultimate sign of self-confidence and it strengthens your self-worth. So, every time you’re thinking “How do I get over him?” remember, you will survive this process as long as you’re willing to let go so you can open up your heart to someone else. If you really can’t shake this person, consider speaking with a psychic love reader – especially if you’re getting through a divorce – as they can give you personalized advice for moving forward.
  4. Do Love Spells Work?
    Believe it or not, the art of “love voodoo” has been around for centuries, originating as shamanistic traditions that were brought from Africa to the new world during the slave trade. Voodoo involves rituals that are performed with the intention of producing the desired result. The love spell – used to seduce a lover – is amongst one of the most common spells, but it has received a bad rap over the years due to its ability to destroy relationships, should the person who is under the spell already be attached to someone else. Another risk with love voodoo is attracting someone you are only lusting after because you may not be able to easily break off the relationship because this person is under your spell, so to speak. The most common rituals include anointing oil for lust, a candle wax cover for attraction, the number of letters in his/her name to keep him/her close, and a voodoo doll to bring back a lover.
  5. Should I Get Back Together With My Ex?
    Whether or not you should get back together with an ex really depends on what caused you to break up in the first place. Remember, what you didn’t like about him/her before isn’t going to change, so you have to ask yourself if you’re really willing to put up with this behavior or lifestyle, or if it’s just best to let this person go for good. You should never consider reuniting if there was abuse – verbal or physical – involved.
  6. What’s the Difference Between Soulmates and Twin Flames?
    People often use the terms “soulmate” and “twin flame” interchangeably, but the truth of the matter is, they are completely different. A soulmate is your perfect match whereas your twin flame is characterized as your perfect mirror. There are some soulmates that come into your life, not for romance, but to help you realize your strengths and become more self-aware so that you can evolve in certain aspects of your life. Karmic lovers only care about themselves whereas soulmates care about you more than anyone else.

    Twin flame lovers, on the other hand, are an amalgamation of both karmic and soulmate qualities, but with the addition of some completely new characteristics, too. It’s these additions that will benefit you because your ego and sense of self will be challenged. A twin flame is someone you share the same soul with, so everything you have spent your life running from or denying is now staring you straight in the face.


While psychic love advisors possess many of the same psychic powers are other advisors, they are more intuitive when it comes to topics associated with love and relationships – but this doesn’t mean you can’t explore other psychic and astrological paths to help you find your life purpose. In fact, it can be extremely beneficial if you see more than one type of psychic. As aforementioned, you can’t possibly love someone else if you don’t love yourself first. Consider having an astrology reading to see what your birth chart has in store. Is the death of a loved one destroying your marriage? Speak with a medium who can help you gain closure. The more you’re in-tune with yourself, the stronger you’ll be in your partnership.

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