psychic insights

Listening To Your Gut: The Third Chakra and Personal Power

Have you ever acted on a “gut instinct” or been in a new situation that stretched your comfort zone? Likely you experienced a sensation in your stomach, from butterflies to downright terror. Maybe you actually held your hand over the area under your sternum—the location of the third chakra—in a common, unconscious response to fear …

Listening To Your Gut: The Third Chakra and Personal Power Read More »

If Psychics Are Real, Why Don’t They Win the Lottery?

…And prevent crimes, plane crashes, have perfect relationships, get straight A’s on tests… The list of things that psychics “should” be able to do is long, and skeptics love to ask the lottery question. So, short answer: the reason psychics can’t predict lottery results is because the computers or machines that produce the random numbers …

If Psychics Are Real, Why Don’t They Win the Lottery? Read More »

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