What is Chakra Cleansing?
If cleansing your chakras isn’t already a part of your spiritual self-care routine, it should be. Chakras are energetic centers of spinning energy in the physical and spiritual bodies that correspond to nerves/organs and contribute to our overall wellness.
Some examples of why chakras get blocked include physical and mental illness, addiction, stress, sitting at a desk all day, poor sleep and/or health habits, grief, and even karma.
It’s only meant as an aid to support such illnesses — particularly in an emotional and mental capacity.
Here’s what you need to know about identifying blockages in the different parts of your body so that you can cleanse them properly. There are general cleansing rituals you can partake of as well as specific ones that target a chakra individually — we’ve got both covered for you.
Chakra Imbalance or Disharmony
Imbalance is natural. After all, life is a juggling act. Sometimes we focus more on relationships, careers, and other times on our spiritual development. At the end of it all, we hope that this juggling act will bring us into harmony. But what if we stop juggling, give up the effort, and start living in utter disharmony?
After all, anyone can get tired. When we don’t harmonize our life, the universe and our bodies begin to nudge us to pay attention. Although these nudges may be unnoticeable at first, if we don’t take time to harmonize, we will soon be forced to pay attention.
So how do you know when you need to nurture your chakras?
What Causes Chakra Imbalance?
You can think of a chakra imbalance as the after-effect of wear and tear in everyday life. As life’s stresses take their toll, we don’t always recover quickly, and the toll of this stress accrues much like debt on a bank statement.
Physical Manifestations of a Chakra Imbalance
When we don’t balance our chakras, our bodies will soon let us know with little pain and aches. However, discomfort can progress to the disease stage if we refuse to pay attention. The disease is simply dis-ease or a lack of ease. Hence the supreme importance of relaxing and balancing our energies. As dis-ease progresses, through aches and pains, it will ultimately force us to stop and pay attention.
Mental Manifestations of a Chakra Imbalance
Just like our bodies react to dis-ease, so does the mind. Anxiety, depression, and inability to process stress all signify an imbalance. The more chronic these states become, the more we will feel the impact in every part of our lives.
Social Manifestations of a Chakra Imbalance
Imbalance can also affect our social lives. For example, do you ever feel aggravated by everyone around you, almost as if overloaded with social interactions? Perhaps you find yourself blowing up at the slightest of provocations? Or maybe, you have taken to hibernating with takeout (in your oldest pair of sweats) and not setting a foot out of your apartment because every interaction makes you feel as if you are walking on eggshells?
Which Chakra is Imbalanced?
While Psychics, Reiki Specialists, and others can weigh in with their input, ultimately, you will know best which chakra is over/under-active and needs your care. For most of us, imbalances fluctuate throughout our lives. So here is a Simple Guide:
1st ( Muladhara — Root Chakra)
We typically associate the Root Chakra with the color red and the location at the base of our spines. Since the color red nurtures the root chakra, foods such as beets, other root vegetables, nuts, tomatoes, and strawberries, are phenomenal in replenishing energy.
Some red flags (no pun intended) of this chakra imbalance include problems with the legs, and the lower part of the body, insomnia, lack of focus, feeling sluggish/depressed, and weight problems.
On the other hand, when the root chakra is balanced correctly, you will feel stable, secure, reliable, and grounded.
2nd (Svadhisthana — Sacral Chakra)
The healing color of the Sacral Chakra is orange, located about two inches below the navel. Some foods that nurture this chakra include oranges, yams, pumpkin, and carrots. This chakra houses our creative and reproductive energies.
Red flags related to the sacral imbalance include fertility/intimacy problems, lack of creativity, fear of judgment, emotional overwhelm, and repression.
When this chakra is in balance, you will feel free to express your sensuality and experience all pleasure in life.
3rd (Manipura — Solar Plexus Chakra)
The Solar Plexus chakra is yellow and in the upper-stomach area. Great foods that nurture this chakra include bananas, citrus, and yellow squash. This chakra represents self-esteem, the drive to get things done, and self-confidence.
Signs of an imbalance may include a lack of career satisfaction, nausea, abnormal sweating, and digestive/respiratory issues.
When this chakra functions correctly, we become the go-getters who feel comfortable in our skin and are ready to tackle any problem in life.
4th (Anahata — Heart Chakra)
The Heart Chakra is located in your chest area and corresponds to green color. Foods that nourish this important chakra are leafy greens, such as kale or spinach, broccoli, celery, green tea, avocado, kiwi, and green apples.
Signs of an imbalance include a melancholy approach to life and a lack of gratitude, relationship problems, immune problems, circulation/blood pressure problems, and breathing issues.
When the heart chakra functions appropriately, we are full of vitality and in balance with others and ourselves. We open our hearts to compassion/love and accept others and ourselves as we are.
5th ( Vishuddha — Throat Chakra)
The Throat Chakra is located in the throat area and corresponds to light blue. Foods that nurture this chakra include blueberries, coconut, honey, tea, and pears.
Signs of a throat chakra imbalance include an inability to speak up for oneself, a lack of self-expression, and an inability to communicate.
Conversely, when the throat chakra is balanced, self-expression becomes second nature, and we can share with joy as we easily express the inner truth.
6th (Ajna — Third-Eye Chakra)
The Third Eye (purple) Chakra is in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows. Foods that nurture the chakra include blueberries, blackberries, eggplant, grapes, purple cabbage, and cocoa.
When this chakra is out of balance, we have a hard time connecting to our intuition and connecting spiritually. Typically warning signs of the imbalance include a lack of clarity in life and a lack of concentration.
In contrast, individuals with the optimal third eye chakra balance feel a spiritual connection with the universe and life path clarity (intuitive and imaginative).
7th (Sahasrara — Crown Chakra)
The Crown Chakra point is at the top of the head, and we associate it with purple. Some great foods that feed this chakra include detoxifying foods and scents, such as sage, turmeric, and ginger. Fasting is a great way to reconnect the crown chakra.
Individuals with a blocked crown chakra may experience a feeling of separation from a higher power and those around them, a lack of focus/mental balance, headaches, depression, and general confusion.
A properly balanced crown chakra will lead to self-realization and a meaningful connection to the spiritual world. Individuals with a balanced crown chakra radiate peace, faith, and gratitude

How Can you Cleanse, Unblock, or Balance Chakras?
There are a myriad of ways that we can balance chakras. Before we discuss the specifics, it’s important to note that just like maintaining a clean home, habit is the key. It’s crucial to inbuilt chakra nurturing habits into your daily schedules. Consistency, commitment, and improvement are paramount.
There’s nothing wrong with a general chakra cleansing to help you get back on track. It’s also a good solution for cleansing when you’re having a difficult time pinpointing where your imbalances are coming from.
Mindfulness is the key. Taking the time to relax, focusing on each chakra (its location/color), and nurturing it with a breath (by breathing into it) is a great tactic to use on the go in our busy lives.
Chakra Cleansing Bathing Ritual
- Educate yourself on the basics of essential oils, gemstones, herbs (more on that below) as each corresponds with a specific chakra.
- Once you’ve determined the right tools for your bath based on your current needs, add them to your running bath water. If you’re not a fan of herbs floating in your water, place them in a small muslim bag with a tie — the same can be done with gemstones if they’re on the smaller side.
- Add one cup of Epsom salts to soothe achy muscles and joints, encourage relaxation, and aid in the cleansing process.
- Create ambiance with candles, incense, a cup of herbal tea (or a detox juice), and soothing music.
- Add about 10 to 12 drops of essential oils; mix with your hand.
- Soak for a minimum of ten minutes, but feel free to stay as long as you like!
Find a quiet, distraction-free place within your home to cleanse with crystals. Dim the lights, diffuse some essential oils, and turn on some soothing music. Make sure you’re comfortable — this includes the temperature of the room. Lay down and place the appropriate crystals on the chakra(s) that you wish to unblock.
- Base Chakra: Red Jasper or Black Tourmaline, between the inner thighs
- Sacral Chakra: Citrine or Carnelian, between your hip bones near reproductive organs
- Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine or Yellow Jasper, between your lower ribs and belly button
- Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz or Green Aventurine, directly in the middle of your chest — not on your actual heart
- Throat Chakra: Turquoise or Angelite, at your throat or next to it on the floor if balance is an issue
- Third Eye Chakra: Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli, between your eyebrows
- Crown Chakra: Clear Quartz or Amethyst, right above your head on the floor
There are as many chakra-balancing meditations as mushrooms after the rain. Pick a favorite and stick to it for a while. Then go and explore others. All vary in length, so find the appropriate fit for your work day and weekend schedules. For example, take a more comprehensive approach when you have more time on the weekends. One of my personal favorites is the chakra balancing meditation by Anodea Judith. Yes, it may be an hour, but you will feel reborn after each session.
- Make sure your environment is quiet and distraction-free. As with all types of cleansing, create a relaxing ambiance with candles, aromatherapy, soft music, ambient lighting, etc.
- Sit on the floor in a cross-legged fashion — use a pillow if that’s more comfortable. Sit up straight, but don’t put stress on your spine. Allow your hands to fall naturally upon your knees.
- While taking in deep and even breaths, visualize each chakra, from the root to the crown. Imagine energy flowing in and out of each. Don’t forget to incorporate each chakra’s color in your visualization (more on that below).
- Focus on each chakra until you can truly see vibrant energy passing through. This can take several minutes, so don’t rush the process. The goal is to have a clear mental image of only beneficial energy streaming through your body.
Take some time to walk in nature, swim in the ocean, lie on the grass, or hug a tree. It will help you feel grounded. Take your favorite chakra meditations into nature! Just make sure to thoroughly check for ticks once you are back in the house. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure.
Sound Therapy
Many mystics widely believe that specific sound vibrations correspond to each chakra. If you don’t believe me, check your Spotify or Youtube for playlists featuring sound therapy. For example, look for 852 Hz playlists. Therapists use 852 Hz playlists to remedy heart chakra imbalances.
What if you are serious about making soulful decisions for the rest of your life? Pick a favorite mentor and get away for a seminar. Different approaches to chakra nurturing can have life-changing implications.
Specific Techniques for Cleansing your Chakras
If you’re having difficulty determining which chakras need cleansing, consider speaking to a psychic before diving into one (or more) of these cleansing techniques to ensure you’re treating the correct areas. Remember, you can use these tips to help you with other cleansing techniques like the aforementioned bathing ritual.
1st Chakra (Root)
- Cleansing technique: The Root Chakra is connected to the Earth, so take off your shoes and take a walk in the elements, whether that’s grass, and, or even dirt.
- Color: Red
- Essential oils: Cedar wood, Vetiver, Cyprus
- Gemstones: Ruby, Red Garnet, Black Tourmaline
- Meditation sound: lam
2nd Chakra (Sacral)
- Cleansing technique: The second chakra is associated with water, so take any opportunity to swim or wade in water — especially natural sources. Bathing rituals can be particularly helpful for those wishing to cleanse the sacral chakra.
- Color: Orange
- Essential oils: Jasmine, Ylang Ylang
- Gemstones: Orange Carnelian, Aragonite, Orange Calcite
- Meditation sound: Vam
3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
- Cleansing technique: The third chakra is associated with the element of fire, so position yourself by a roaring fireplace or bonfire — even a good dose of vitamin D can help.
- Color: Yellow
- Gemstones: Pyrite, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye
- Essential oils: Geranium, Ginger, Helichrysum
- Meditation sound: Ram
4th Chakra (Heart)
- Cleansing technique: Taking time outdoors to breathe deeply and get away from distractions can have a positive impact on heart-chakra energy.
- Colors: Pink, Green
- Essential oils: Rose, Melissa
- Gemstones: Jade, Rose Quartz, Kunzite
- Meditation sound: Yum
5th Chakra (Throat)
- Cleansing Technique: Sitting quietly in an open space can clear the energy of your throat chakra, allowing you to feel more at ease.
- Color: Blue
- Essential oils: Geranium, Lavender
- Gemstones: Aquamarine, Turquoise, Blue Calcite
- Meditation sound: Ham
6th Chakra (Third Eye)
- Cleansing technique: Cleanse your Third Eye by sitting in a room with sunlight streaming through its window, or going outside and standing in nature.
- Color: Purple
- Essential oils: Sandalwood, Clary Sage
- Gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Sodalite,
- Meditation sound: Sham
7th Chakra (Crown)
- Cleansing technique: The Crown Chakra embodies all of the elements, so the best way to unblock it is by meditating, chanting, or praying.
- Color: Violet
- Essential oils: Frankincense, Blue Chamomile
- Gemstones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Lepidolite
- Meditation sound: Om
Balanced Chakra means Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Social Harmony
Cleansing and bringing your chakras into harmony will prove rewarding. I hope you enjoyed our exploration journey and wish you many blessings and happiness ahead. Remember, you are responsible for your well-being, fortune, and path.
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