Two of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card


You’ll be able to identify the Two of Pentacles tarot card when you see a jester juggling several balls. These spheres represent the various aspects of your life, such as your responsibilities, job, family, health, and relationship. When the card is reversed, the juggler has lost control due to being overcommitted. As you could imagine, it’s overwhelming trying to keep too many balls in play. In order to regain control, something will need to change. In many cases, you will have to let something go. If the two of pentacles tarot card reversed comes up in one of your online tarot card readings, here are a few of the possible interpretations for what it could mean.

Get Yourself Organized

The Two of Pentacles card reversed can mean that your lack of organization is impacting your life. Perhaps you’ve been extremely busy lately, which has been making it hard for you to stick to your commitments and activities. Or maybe you’re having trouble managing your finances. The more that you struggle, the more overwhelmed and stressed you feel, so it’s a vicious cycle.

What you are currently doing is clearly not working for you, so now is the time to get organized so you can manage everything you need to. Start creating more structured plans to tackle your days and weeks by utilizing a calendar or planner. Create to-do lists to improve your productivity and time management and implement a budget so you can stay on top of your bills. Once you get organized, you’ll no longer feel quite so overwhelmed by life.

Balance Work and Your Personal Life

Finding the perfect balance between your job and family or significant other is always challenging. But the reversed Two of Pentacles tarot card reversed suggests that lately, you’ve been giving too much of your attention to your work. Everyone has times when they are busy. While it’s fine if you have to work some overtime periodically, it should not be so much to the point where you are neglecting your loved ones; they need your time and attention as well. Stop worrying about your work so much and spend some quality time with them—it will do all of you some good. Failing to do so will only lead to anger, resentment, and potentially damage the relationship permanently.

Avoid Making Major Commitments

This is not the time to make any major commitments in your current relationship. According to the Two of Pentacles tarot card reversed, your attention is currently split between your relationship and other priorities, so it’s the right moment to evaluate where your priorities really lie. Do you want to give up your other commitments to make this relationship work or are those other commitments more important to you? Only you know the right answer.

Take a Much-Needed Break

The Two of Pentacles tarot card reversed can indicate that you are desperately in need of a break. You’re finding it hard to juggle everything and stress continues to build. While it may not be the first thing on your mind, you need to stop and take a breather. Taking a break can help you reduce your stress levels and improve your overall well being. Not to mention, you’ll be more productive in the long run.

This break doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Simply engage in whatever will help you relax and clear your mind. You could try doing some yoga (even streaming a session in the privacy of your own home), going for a walk, revisiting one of your favorite hobbies, meditating, or even watching a movie in bed. Stop thinking about everything that’s bothering you and enjoy some time living in the moment. After your break, you’ll feel more refreshed and prepared to face any obstacles that are in your way.

Don’t Focus on Love (Right Now)

If you are currently single, the Two of Pentacles reversed shows that you are currently too overwhelmed by everything else going on in your life to find love. Relationships require time and commitment in order to grow and flourish. Right now, you simply are unable to give any relationship the attention it needs in order to work. If you want to find that special someone, you’ll have to give this search for love priority in your life.

Lighten Your Load

Spreading yourself too thin by over-committing yourself at work? You’re not a superhero. It’s impossible to do your best when you have far too much on your plate. Not to mention, negative effects like weight gain, hypertension, anxiety, restlessness, and poor sleep patterns can ensue. Prioritize everything you need to accomplish and delegate everything else in order to lighten your load. If you are unable to do that, at least use this as a learning experience so that you don’t over-commit in the future.

Don’t Let Stress Affect Your Health

Stress isn’t just an unpleasant feeling, it can have a very negative effect on your physical and mental health. Anxiety can lead to migraines, insomnia, ulcers, and several other serious health problems. Trust that your body is telling you that you need to take a step back. Take a pause, get some rest, and find constructive ways to reduce your stress levels.

Identify If There Are Secrets In Your Relationship

The Two of Pentacles reversed tarot card meaning can allude to some dangerous secrets in your current relationship. You or your partner have not been completely upfront with one another. One possibility is that someone is trying to juggle two relationships at once. This could be anything from a bit of flirting to a full-blown affair. The Two of Pentacles card could also refer to financial secrets. Watch your transactions carefully to see if money is being spent at or transferred to unexpected places. These things have likely been going on for quite some time, but these secrets cannot stay buried forever.

Know When It’s Time to Let Go

Sometimes certain situations cannot be saved, no matter how hard you try. At work, you may have made some bad investments or decisions that have left you in a financial bind. In a relationship, it may refer to an inherent incompatibility. If you are a student, it might indicate that you have fallen behind in your studies. This may be the time to cut your losses and prepare for what lies ahead. While you may not be able to stop the future entirely, perhaps you can at least mitigate the damages. Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering if a tarot reading is right for you? Give a free online session a whirl before booking a tarot appointment with one of our Keen advisors. 

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