Get a Live Love Reading to Learn about your Compatibility
Finding love is a process that should be natural, not strategic, yet there’s something to be said for looking to the stars if you want to know who you’re compatible with—or not. If you’ve ever read your horoscope or booked a session with a psychic, then the concept of love zodiac compatibility shouldn’t be too foreign to you. While this notion is not the be-all and end-all when it comes to finding love, there’s no denying that some matches are more perfect than others, and that’s where booking a love reading to learn about your rapport with others can prove to be useful. Let’s take a closer look at the zodiac compatibility signs.
All About The Elements
Before getting into the nitty-gritty, it’s important that you have an understanding about the elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water), as each one is associated with one of the 12 astrological signs. The applicable element is a symbol of your personality, but also your views regarding life. When getting to know someone, personality and opinions are of the utmost importance. When both are on point, you may think that’s chemistry, but it’s regarded as “sharing the same element” in astrology.
The element that opposes your astrological sign is more likely to be a better match. But there are other compatible signs that are influential as well (more on that to come!), but keep in mind that once you meet your match, so to speak, you may or may not find that it actually works out in the long run. This is why it can be helpful to book a love and relationship reading with an advisor so you can learn how to either make your relationship thrive, or how to let go.
Same Element Relationships

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
2 Fire Signs
Example couple: Aries man and Sagittarius woman
Characteristics of an Aries man: Athletic, passionate, straightforward, energetic, goal-driven, loyal, honest, impulsive
Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman: Positive, easy-going, confident, passionate, energetic, bold, direct
The lowdown: The element of fire symbolizes energy, so when these two get together, they tend to cultivate a deep relationship rather quickly—yet they manage to maintain that spark long after the courting period is over. This duo could butt heads from time-to-time, but that’s what keeps that flame going. Since these two fire signs have an abundance of energy and confidence coupled with a straightforward personality, it’s not uncommon to speak to one another without thinking. This, in turn, can lead to an argument and/or hurt feelings.
While these two signs are definitely compatible, they have to give one another enough rope so that personal interests (which are important to both signs) aren’t being sacrificed. The Aries in this scenario needs to watch his know-it-all attitude with a Sag woman so that the relationship feels like an equal partnership, not a contest. On the flipside, a Sagittarius woman needs to use her fabulous sense of humor at the right moment so that she doesn’t appear insensitive if serious topics are being discussed.
For more research: Love advice for Aries woman, Sagittarius man in love and relationships, love advice for Leo woman, Leo man in love and relationships
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
2 Earth Signs
Example couple: Capricorn man and Virgo woman
Characteristics of Capricorn man: Goal-driven, hard-working, natural-born leader, serious, skeptical, status-conscious, hard-working, aloof, unforgiving
Characteristics of Virgo woman: Kind, both passive and assertive, analytical, idealistic, hard-working, critical of self and others, unrealistic, devoted, loyal
The lowdown: Both signs in this pair are a bit introverted and have few friends whom they really trust—yet when they do, it’s solid as a rock. The same can be said for intimate relationships, though the bedroom is a different story. While a Virgo woman tends to be shy between the sheets, male goats are extremely sexual both physically and emotionally. Despite this difference, Capricorn men are patient and do anything to make their partner feel more comfortable and adventurous. Neither sign is superficial and arguments are not the norm with this duo, so even if there is a fight, both are willing to come up with a fair resolution.
For more research: Love advice for the Capricorn woman, love advice for the Virgo man, love advice for the Taurus woman, Taurus man in love and relationships
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
2 Air Signs
Example couple: Aquarius man and Gemini woman
Characteristics of Aquarius man: Outgoing, intellectual, loyal, spontaneous, charismatic, open-minded, quirky, unique guarded, free-spirited
Characteristics of Gemini woman: Intellectual, spontaneous, experimental, unpredictable, self-sufficient, outspoken
The lowdown: Talk about a great match! You’re both magnets for meeting new people, so it’s likely that you two hit it off right away, thanks to your charismatic personalities. This also means that your bond is built on friendship. You have many similar qualities, so you compliment one another. Even so, it’s important that you both make an effort to keep the relationship from going stale as boredom is liable to send you both packing—you’re both known for being commitment phobes. On the downside, Gemini women are open to compromising where as Aquarius men are not. This can cause a clash and potentially prevent your relationship from growing. While sexy time is not as hot as the two fire signs, both partners are willing to experiment to avoid repetition.
For more research: Love advice for the Aquarius woman, Gemini man in love and relationships, love advice for the Libra woman, Libra man in love and relationships
Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
2 Water Signs
Example couple: Scorpio man and Cancer woman
Characteristics of a Scorpio man: Ambitious, secretive, charming, analytical, driven, loyal, possessive
Characteristics of a Cancer woman: Emotional, caring, complex, empathetic, sensitive, expressive, generous, intuitive
The lowdown: Communication is the key to any good relationship, but for this pair, note that it will take some time to be completely on point. While Scorpio men hide their emotions and Cancer women make decisions based off theirs, this doesn’t mean you’re not a good match. In fact, the opposite way of thinking helps you both grow in different ways. On the other hand, because you express yourselves in different ways, this could lead to miscommunication.
For more research: Love advice for Scorpio woman and Cancer man in love and relationships, Love advice for the Pisces woman, Pisces man in love and relationships
Opposing Signs

Opposing Fire and Air
Example couple: Leo man and Libra woman
Characteristics of a Leo man: Passionate, romantic, charismatic, popular, stubborn, charming, protective
Characteristics of a Libra woman: Charismatic, indecisive, popular, affectionate, rational, people-pleaser
The lowdown: While this isn’t exactly a match made in heaven, it doesn’t mean that a potential relationship isn’t in the (tarot) cards either. One thing this duo has going for them is an intense physical and emotional connection. The Libra woman loves to please, which is great for the Leo man who craves compliments and has a tendency to be overly emotional—though he will protect and charm his lover at the same time.
Opposing Earth and Water
Example couple: Capricorn man and Cancer woman
Characteristics of a Capricorn man: Goal-driven, hard-working, natural born leader, serious, skeptical, status-conscious, hard-working, aloof, unforgiving
Characteristics of a Cancer woman: Emotional, caring, complex, empathetic, sensitive, expressive, generous, intuitive
The lowdown: Cancer woman tend to seek approval of family before taking a relationship to the next level whereas Capricorn men have their own high expectations of when it comes to finding the perfect mate. When he does, however, he’s completely loyal and devoted. Both signs keep their cards close to their vest until they are certain the relationship is deep and true, but intimacy is what really causes the relationship to grow. Capricorn men have a hearty sex drive, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be satisfied emotionally, too. Cancer women thrive off of this feeling of being strongly loved, which makes her feel even more confident about the relationship.
For more research:
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